








  • 版权信息
  • 落花
  • Fallen Flowers
  • 博浪沙
  • The Hammer Blow
  • 江天暮雪
  • Snow on the River at Dusk
  • 金山寺
  • To the Temple of Golden Hill
  • 居庸叠翠
  • The Mountain Pass
  • 感旧歌者
  • A Songster on West Lake
  • 白雁行
  • Song of the White Wild Geese
  • 山家
  • Mountainside Cottage
  • 观梅有感
  • On Seeing the Mume Flower
  • 山中月夕
  • A Moonlit Night in the Mountains
  • 岳鄂王墓
  • The Tomb of General Yue Fei
  • 绝句
  • Spring Grief
  • 纪旧游
  • An Excursion Recalled
  • 绝句
  • A Quatrain
  • 宗阳宫望月
  • The Moon Viewed from the Taoist Hall
  • 宿浚仪公湖亭 (四首其二)
  • Written in the Lakeside Pavilion (II)
  • 到京师
  • In the Capital
  • 暮春游西湖北山
  • Late Spring on Northern Hills by West Lake
  • 离扬州
  • Leaving Yang Zhou
  • 掘冢歌
  • Song of Grave-digging
  • 白翎雀歌
  • Song of White-plumed Skylarks
  • 院中独坐
  • Sitting Alone in the Courtyard
  • 挽文丞相
  • Elegy on Premier Wen Tianxiang
  • 寒食日
  • On Cold Food Day
  • 送袁伯长扈从上京
  • To Historian Yuan in Imperial Train
  • 夏五月武昌舟中触目
  • Boating in Summer
  • 和欧阳南阳月夜思
  • A Moonlit Night
  • 别武昌
  • On Leaving Wuchang
  • 寒夜
  • Cold Night
  • 归舟
  • On River Gan
  • 湖州竹枝词
  • Bamboo Branch Song
  • 芦花被
  • A Quilt of Reed Catkins
  • 桃花岩
  • Peach Blossom Mountain
  • 别离情
  • On Parting Grief
  • 应教题梅
  • On Mume Blossoms
  • 梅花
  • To Mume Blossoms
  • 漫成
  • Written at Random
  • 相思
  • Lovesickness
  • 庐山瀑布谣
  • Waterfall of Mount Lu
  • 西湖竹枝歌词 (九首其四)
  • West Lake's Bamboo Branch Songs (IV)
  • 竹枝词 (五首其二)
  • Bamboo Branch Songs (II)
  • 竹枝词 (五首其三)
  • Bamboo Branch Songs (III)
  • 燕姬曲
  • Song of a Northern Beauty
  • 芙蓉曲
  • Song of Lotus Flower
  • 上京即事 (五首其三)
  • Frontier Songs (III)
  • 上京即事 (五首其四)
  • Frontier Songs (IV)
  • 石夫人
  • The Lady of Stone
  • 严陵钓台
  • The Fishing Site of Yan Guang
  • 越歌
  • A Southern Song
  • 晓行
  • A Morning Trip
  • 春蚕
  • The Silkworm
  • 五月十九日大雨
  • Pouring Rain on the 19th Day of the 5th Moon
  • 客中夜坐
  • Sitting at Night in an Alien Land
  • 天平山中
  • In Flat-top Mountain
  • 岳阳楼
  • The Yueyang Tower
  • 燕山春暮
  • Late Spring in the North
  • 雨后慰池上芙蓉
  • To Lotus Blooms after Rain
  • 水上盥手
  • Washing My Hands
  • 梅花
  • To the Mume Blossom
  • 寻胡隐君
  • On a Visit
  • 田舍夜舂
  • Husking Rice
  • 赴广西别甥彭云路
  • For My Nephew
  • 应召赴京道上有作
  • On My Way to the Capital
  • 石灰吟
  • Song of the Lime
  • 除夜宿太原寒甚
  • On a Cold New Year's Eve
  • 折花仕女
  • A Beauty Plucking Flowers
  • 游岳麓寺
  • The Mountainside Temple
  • 口号 (三首其一)
  • Orally Composed Stanzas (I)
  • 口号 (三首其二)
  • Orally Composed Stanzas (II)
  • 新春日
  • A Spring Day
  • 阊门即事
  • The Western Gate of Suzhou
  • 感怀
  • Reflections
  • 桃花庵歌
  • Song of Peach Blossom Cottage
  • 一年歌
  • Song of a Year
  • 石湖
  • The Lake of Stone
  • 秋望
  • Autumn on the Frontier
  • 泛海
  • On a Stormy Sea
  • 古陵
  • Ancient Tombs
  • 重赠吴国宾
  • For a Home-going Friend
  • 偶见
  • A Roadside View
  • 秋江词
  • Song of the Autumn River
  • The Willow
  • 又寄升庵
  • To My Husband
  • 秋日怀弟
  • Missing My Younger Brother on an Autumn Day
  • 对月感秋
  • The Autumn Moon
  • 于郡城送明卿之江西
  • Farewell to a Banished Friend
  • 登泰山
  • On Mount Tai
  • 杨妃春睡图
  • The Sleeping Beauty
  • 戚将军赠宝剑歌
  • General Qi's Sword
  • 独坐
  • Sitting Alone
  • 晓征
  • March at Dawn
  • 七夕醉答君东
  • The Peony Pavilion
  • 枕石
  • Pillowing on a Stone
  • 东阿道中晚望
  • Evening View
  • 夜泉
  • Fountain in Moonlight
  • 读《牡丹亭》绝句
  • On Reading The Peony Pavilion
  • 孟秋十三夜 (二首其一)
  • On the 13th Night of the 7th Moon (I)
  • 别云间
  • Adieu, My Homeland
  • 留题秦淮丁家水阁
  • View from the Garden of Ding
  • 咏同心兰
  • The Orchid Flower
  • 西湖
  • West Lake
  • 与儿子雍
  • To My Son before My Death
  • 临别口号遍谢弥天大人谬知我者
  • To My Readers before My Death
  • 圆圆曲
  • Song of the Beautiful Yuanyuan
  • 阻雪
  • Stopped by Snow on My Northward Way
  • 哭亡姬乔氏
  • Heart-broken Song
  • 独往
  • Going Alone
  • 塞下曲
  • A Frontier Song
  • 舟中见猎犬有感
  • A Hound Seen in a Boat
  • 上巳将过金陵
  • Passing by Jinling on the 3rd Day of the 3rd Moon
  • 自题桃花杨柳图
  • On a Picture of Peach Blossoms and Willow Trees
  • 内人生日
  • On My Wife's Birthday
  • 雪中阁望
  • Snow Scene Viewed from the Pavilion
  • 悼亡 (四首其一)
  • Elegy on My Deceased Wife (I)
  • 客发苕溪
  • On My Native Stream
  • 来青轩
  • The Green Pavilion
  • 花前
  • Before the Flowers
  • 再过露筋祠
  • Passing Again by the Virgin's Temple
  • 秦淮杂诗
  • On River Qinhuai
  • 次韵答王司寇阮亭先生见赠
  • Reply to Wang Shizhen
  • 客愁
  • Homesickness
  • 北固山看大江
  • The Grand River Viewed from the Northern Mountain
  • 《桃花扇传奇》题词
  • On Reading Peach Blossom Fan
  • 青溪口号
  • Orally Composed on the Blue Stream
  • 秣陵怀古
  • On the Capital of Yore
  • 秋暮吟望
  • Late Autumn
  • 过许州
  • Passing by Xuzhou
  • The Willow
  • 湖楼题壁
  • In Lakeside Pavilion
  • 竹石
  • Bamboo in the Rock
  • 潍县署中画竹
  • Written on a Picture of Bamboo
  • 闻蛙
  • Hearing Frogs
  • 黛玉葬花辞
  • Lin Daiyu's Elegy on Flowers
  • 马嵬
  • On Lady Yang
  • 遣兴
  • On Verse Writing
  • The Chickens
  • 推窗
  • On Pushing Open the Window
  • 哭聪娘
  • Elegy on My Wise Mistress
  • 富春至严陵
  • On River Rich Spring
  • 题画
  • Written on a Picture
  • 论诗
  • On Poetry
  • 赠曹雪芹
  • To Cao Xueqin
  • 江上竹枝词
  • Bamboo Branch Song on the River
  • 游圭峰
  • The Peak of Jade
  • 别老母
  • Parting from My Old Mother
  • 新雷
  • The First Thunder
  • 出嘉峪关感赋
  • The Westernmost Stronghold
  • 己亥杂诗 (三一五其五)
  • Miscellanies of the Year 1839 (V)
  • 己亥杂诗 (三一五其一二五)
  • Miscellanies of the Year 1839 (CXXV)
  • 自沾益出宣威入东川
  • On Journey in Yunnan
  • 日本杂事诗
  • Mount Fuji in Japan
  • 晨登衡岳祝融峰
  • At Dawn Atop the Highest Peak of the Southern Mountain
  • 新风歌
  • Song of the Autumn Wind





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