4.8 用户推荐指数
- 版权信息
- “我为美而死”
- 一、她的灵魂是她的侣伴
- 二、她的内在是一座剧场
- 三、她的生命是一滴琼浆
- 四、她的诗歌是一场革命
- 希望长着翅膀
- 0004 在这神奇的海上
- 0004 On this wondrous sea
- 0008 有一个词
- 0008 There is a word
- 0012 晨光比从前更温柔
- 0012 The morns are meeker than they were
- 0019 一片花萼,一枚花瓣,一根刺
- 0019 A sepal, petal, and a thorn
- 0021 我们输了,因为我们赢了
- 0021 We lose—because we win
- 0033 假如记忆就是遗忘
- 0033 If recollecting were forgetting
- 0035 没有人知道这朵小玫瑰
- 0035 Nobody knows this little Rose
- 0049 那样惨痛的损失我已经历两次
- 0049 I never lost as much but twice
- 0054 假如我死去
- 0054 If I should die
- 0067 从未成功过的人们
- 0067 Success is counted sweetest
- 0079 去天堂吧!
- 0079 Going to Heaven!
- 0099 新的脚走在我的花园里
- 0099 New feet within my garden go
- 0100 有一种科学,学者称其为
- 0100 A science—so the Savants say
- 0113 我们有一份黑夜需要忍耐
- 0113 Our share of night to bear
- 0139 灵魂,你会再次投掷吗?
- 0139 Soul, Wilt thou toss again?
- 0147 上帝保佑,他像战士一样离开
- 0147 Bless God, he went as soldiers
- 0153 尘土是唯一的秘密
- 0153 Dust is the only Secret
- 0182 假如我不能活着
- 0182 If I shouldn't be alive
- 0185 “信仰”是一个精妙的发明
- 0185 “Faith” is a fine invention
- 0211 伊甸园,你慢慢地来!
- 0211 Come slowly—Eden!
- 0214 我品尝未经酿造的酒
- 0214 I taste a liquor never brewed
- 0215 什么是“天堂”
- 0215 What is—“Paradise”
- 0216 安然无恙地睡在玉室里
- 0216 Safe in their Alabaster Chambers
- 0217 救世主!我无人可以倾诉
- 0217 Savior! I've no one else to tell
- 0223 今天,我是来买微笑的
- 0223 I Came to buy a smile—today
- 0239 “天堂”,我难以触及!
- 0239 “Heaven”—is what I cannot reach!
- 0241 我喜欢痛苦的表情
- 0241 I like a look of Agony
- 0248 他们为何,把我关在天堂门外?
- 0248 Why—do they shut Me out of Heaven?
- 0249 暴风雨夜
- 0249 Wild Nights—Wild Nights!
- 0251 篱笆那边
- 0251 Over the fence
- 0254 “希望”长着翅膀
- 0254 “Hope” is the thing with feathers
- 0280 在我脑海中,一场葬礼正在进行
- 0280 I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
- 0288 我是无名之辈!你是谁?
- 0288 I'm Nobody! Who are you?
- 0292 假如你的勇气,将你否定
- 0292 If your Nerve, deny you
- 0301 我推想,大地是短暂的
- 0301 I reason, Earth is short
- 0302 像某种老式的奇迹
- 0302 Like Some Old fashioned Miracle
- 0303 灵魂选择她自己的侣伴
- 0303 The Soul selects her own Society
- 0305 绝望不同于
- 0305 The difference between Despair
- 0308 我送走两个日落
- 0308 I send Two Sunsets
- 0315 他摸索你的灵魂
- 0315 He fumbles at your Soul
- 0324 有些人守安息日去教堂
- 0324 Some keep the Sabbath going to Church
- 0327 在我的一只眼失明前
- 0327 Before I got my eye put out
- 0328 一只鸟,飞落在小路上
- 0328 A Bird came down the Walk
- 0333 小草无事可做
- 0333 The Grass so little has to do
- 0361 我能做到的,我情愿
- 0361 What I can do—I will
- 0363 我去向她致谢
- 0363 I went to thank Her
- 0374 我去过天堂
- 0374 I went to Heaven
- 0376 我当然祈祷过
- 0376 Of Course—I prayed
- 0378 我看不见路,天堂被缝起
- 0378 I saw no Way—The Heavens were stitched
- 0381 秘密一旦说出
- 0381 A Secret told
- 0384 没有酷刑能折磨我
- 0384 No Rack can torture me
- 0386 请回答我,七月
- 0386 Answer July
- 0387 最甜美的异端邪说认为
- 0387 The Sweetest Heresy received
- 0392 穿透黑暗的泥土,像经受教育
- 0392 Through the Dark Sod—as Education
- 0394 那是爱,不是我
- 0394 'Twas Love—not me
- 这是我写给世界的信
- 0397 当钻石是一个传说
- 0397 When Diamonds are a Legend
- 0423 月有始末,年,是一个结
- 0423 The Months have ends—the Years—a knot
- 0425 早安,午夜
- 0425 Good Morning—Midnight
- 0429 月亮离海很远
- 0429 The Moon is distant from the Sea
- 0432 埋进坟墓的人们
- 0432 Do People moulder equally
- 0433 知道如何忘记!
- 0433 Knows how to forget!
- 0435 过于疯狂是至高的理性
- 0435 Much Madness is divinest Sense
- 0439 濒临饥亡的人把高度意义
- 0439 Undue Significance a starving man attaches
- 0440 我们习惯在离别时
- 0440 'Tis customary as we part
- 0441 这是我写给世界的信
- 0441 This is my letter to the World
- 0442 上帝造了一棵小龙胆草
- 0442 God made a little Gentian
- 0444 活着令人感到羞耻
- 0444 It feels a shame to be Alive
- 0447 我能,多做些什么,为你
- 0447 Could—I do more—for Thee
- 0448 这就是诗人,是他
- 0448 This was a Poet—It is That
- 0449 我为美而死
- 0449 I died for Beauty
- 0450 梦,真好,醒来更好
- 0450 Dreams—are well—but Waking's better
- 0454 诸神将它赐予我
- 0454 It was given to me by the Gods
- 0465 临死之前,我听见苍蝇的嗡叫
- 0465 I heard a Fly buzz—when I died
- 0467 我们不在坟边玩耍
- 0467 We do not play on Graves
- 0469 火红的,光芒,是黎明
- 0469 The Red—Blaze—is the Morning
- 0478 我没有时间去恨
- 0478 I had no time to Hate
- 0480 “我为什么爱”你,先生?
- 0480 “Why do I love” You, Sir?
- 0511 假如你在秋天到来
- 0511 If you were coming in the Fall
- 0516 美,不经雕琢,与生俱来
- 0516 Beauty—be not caused—It Is
- 0524 离别,去接受审判
- 0524 Departed—to the Judgment
- 0530 你无法扑灭一种火
- 0530 You cannot put a Fire out
- 0540 我手持自己的力量
- 0540 I took my Power in my Hand
- 0543 我畏惧寡言之人
- 0543 I fear a Man of frugal Speech
- 0544 殉道的诗人,从不言语
- 0544 The Martyr Poets—did not tell
- 0546 要弥合裂缝
- 0546 To fill a Gap
- 0547 我见过一只垂死的眼睛
- 0547 I've seen a Dying Eye
- 0549 我一直在爱
- 0549 That I did always love
- 0563 我无法证明岁月有脚
- 0563 I could not prove the Years had feet
- 0566 垂死的虎,因干渴而呻吟
- 0566 A Dying Tiger—moaned for Drink
- 0568 我们了解了爱的全部
- 0568 We learned the Whole of Love
- 0579 我忍饥挨饿,许多年来
- 0579 I had been hungry, all the Years
- 0608 害怕!我害怕谁?
- 0608 Afraid! Of whom am I afraid?
- 0609 我已离家多年
- 0609 I Years had been from Home
- 0627 我无法捕捉的色彩,最好
- 0627 The Tint I cannot take—is best
- 0631 我们曾在一个夏日结婚
- 0631 Ourselves were wed one summer—dear
- 0632 头脑,比天空更宽阔
- 0632 The Brain—is wider than the Sky
- 0637 孩子的信仰天真
- 0637 The Child's faith is new
- 0650 疼痛,带着空白的要素
- 0650 Pain—has an Element of Blank
- 0657 我居于可能之中
- 0657 I dwell in Possibility
- 0663 他的声音又一次在门口响起
- 0663 Again—his voice is at the door
- 0668 我们看见的就是“自然”
- 0668 “Nature” is what we see
- 0672 未来,从不言语
- 0672 The Future—never spoke
- 0674 灵魂有访客
- 0674 The Soul that hath a Guest
- 我曾啜饮生活的甘醇
- 0683 灵魂对于自己
- 0683 The Soul unto itself
- 0686 他们说“时间能够安抚”
- 0686 They say that “Time assuages”
- 0712 因为我无法驻足等候死神
- 0712 Because I could not stop for Death
- 0718 我本想到来后与她会面
- 0718 I meant to find Her when I came
- 0719 南风,拥有一个人
- 0719 A South Wind—has a pathos
- 0741 戏剧最鲜活的表现是寻常生活
- 0741 Drama's Vitallest Expression is the Common Day
- 0754 我的生命,像一把上膛的枪
- 0754 My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun
- 0764 预感,是草地上长长的阴影
- 0764 Presentiment—is that long Shadow—on the Lawn
- 0781 等待一个小时,太久
- 0781 To wait an Hour—is long
- 0840 我无法买下,它不售卖
- 0840 I cannot buy it—'tis not sold
- 0846 夏天曾两度献给平原
- 0846 Twice had Summer her fair Verdure
- 0863 我们之间的距离
- 0863 That Distance was between Us
- 0883 诗人点亮的只有灯
- 0883 The Poets light but Lamps
- 0903 我把自己藏进花里
- 0903 I hide myself within my flower
- 0919 假如我能让一颗心不再破碎
- 0919 If I can stop one Heart from breaking
- 0952 人可以制造言论
- 0952 A Man may make a Remark
- 0997 崩溃绝非一瞬之举
- 0997 Crumbling is not an instant's Act
- 1006 我们第一次知道他,身为死神
- 1006 The first We knew of Him was Death
- 1041 怀着,些许希望
- 1041 Somewhat, to hope for
- 1052 我从未见过荒野
- 1052 I never saw a Moor 1052
- 1072 神圣的头衔,属于我!
- 1072 Title divine—is mine!
- 1078 房间里的忙乱
- 1078 The Bustle in a House
- 1101 生命的表象与本质
- 1101 Between the form of Life and Life
- 1129 道出全部真理,但要婉转
- 1129 Tell all the Truth but tell it slant
- 1210 大海对小溪说“来吧”
- 1210 The Sea said “Come” to the Brook
- 1212 当一个词脱口而出
- 1212 A word is dead
- 1222 我们能猜的谜
- 1222 The Riddle we can guess
- 1233 假如我不曾见过太阳
- 1233 Had I not seen the Sun
- 1240 乞丐在门前乞讨名声
- 1240 The Beggar at the Door for Fame
- 1263 没有一艘战舰能像一本书
- 1263 There is no Frigate like a Book
- 1320 亲爱的三月,请进
- 1320 Dear March—Come in
- 1340 一只老鼠在这里投降
- 1340 A Rat surrendered here
- 1377 禁果有一种滋味
- 1377 Forbidden Fruit a flavor has
- 1379 池塘里的华宇
- 1379 His Mansion in the Pool
- 1455 舆论总是飞掠而过
- 1455 Opinion is a flitting thing
- 1508 你无法让记忆生长
- 1508 You cannot make Remembrance grow
- 1511 我的祖国无须更换衣服
- 1511 My country need not change her gown
- 1540 像悲伤无所察觉
- 1540 As imperceptibly as Grief
- 1544 谁不曾在凡间,找到天堂
- 1544 Who has not found the Heaven—below
- 1548 我们意外相逢
- 1548 Meeting by Accident
- 1549 我把战争存放在书里
- 1549 My Wars are laid away in Books
- 1551 那时,垂死之人
- 1551 Those—dying then
- 1587 他饮食珍贵的言辞
- 1587 He ate and drank the precious Words
- 1594 囚禁在天堂里!
- 1594 Immured in Heaven!
- 1599 虽然大海在沉睡
- 1599 Though the great Waters sleep
- 1657 伊甸园是那座旧式房屋
- 1657 Eden is that old—fashioned House
- 1659 名声是多变的食物
- 1659 Fame is a fickle food
- 1719 上帝真是一个好嫉妒的神
- 1719 God is indeed a jealous God
- 1720 我若知道第一杯是最后一杯
- 1720 Had I known that the first was the last
- 1725 我啜饮过生活的甘醇
- 1725 I took one Draught of Life
- 1732 在我死去之前,生命已终结过两次
- 1732 My life closed twice before its close
- 1755 制造一片草原
- 1755 To make a prairie
- 1760 去往天堂的距离
- 1760 Elysium is as far as to
- 1761 火车穿过墓园大门
- 1761 A train went through a burial gate
- 1763 名声是蜜蜂
- 1763 Fame is a bee
- 1774 过于幸福的时光总会烟消云散
- 1774 Too happy Time dissolves itself
- 1775 地球有许多曲调
- 1775 The earth has many keys
- 译后记 没有人比她更懂得怎样去活