








  • 版权信息
  • 译序
  • Translator's Preface
  • 访戴天山道士不遇
  • Calling on a Taoist Recluse in Daitian Mountainwithout Meeting Him
  • 登锦城散花楼
  • On the Flowery Tower in the Town of Silk
  • 峨眉山月歌
  • The Moon over the Eyebrow Mountains
  • 巴女词
  • Song of a Woman of Ba
  • 荆州歌
  • The Silk Spinner
  • 渡荆门送别
  • Farewell Beyond the Thorn-Gate Gorge
  • 望庐山瀑布水 (二首其二)
  • The Waterfall in Mount LuViewed from Afar (II)
  • 望庐山五老峰
  • The Five Greybeard-like Peaks of Mount Lu Viewed from Afar
  • 望天门山
  • Mount Heaven's GateViewed from Afar
  • 杨叛儿
  • A Love Song
  • 长干行 (二首其一)
  • Ballads of a Merchant's Wife (I)
  • 长干行 (二首其二)
  • Ballads of a Merchant's Wife (II)
  • 金陵酒肆留别
  • Parting at a Tavern in Jinling
  • 夜下征虏亭
  • Passing by the Triumphal Tower at Night
  • 上李邕
  • The Roc—to Li Yong
  • 静夜思
  • Thoughts on a Silent Night
  • 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
  • Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
  • 长相思 (二首其一)
  • Lovesickness (I)
  • 长相思 (二首其二)
  • Lovesickness (II)
  • 登新平楼
  • Ascending Xinping Tower
  • 蜀道难
  • Hard Is the Road to Shu
  • 行路难 (三首其一)
  • Hard Is the Way of the World (I)
  • 行路难 (三首其二)
  • Hard Is the Way of the World
  • 行路难 (三首其三)
  • Hard Is the Way of the World (III)
  • 送友人入蜀
  • To a Friend Departing for Shu
  • 春夜洛城闻笛
  • Hearing a Bamboo Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang
  • 塞下曲 (六首其一)
  • Frontier Song
  • 关山月
  • The Moon over the Mountain Pass
  • 乌夜啼
  • The Crows Crying at Night
  • 春思
  • A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring
  • 三五七言
  • Yearning
  • 怨情
  • Waiting in Vain
  • 玉阶怨
  • Waiting in Vain on Marble Steps
  • 长门怨 (二首其一)
  • Sorrow of the Long Gate Palace (I)
  • 长门怨 (二首其二)
  • Sorrow of the Long Gate Palace (II)
  • 子夜吴歌 (春歌)
  • Ballads of Four Seasons (Spring)
  • 子夜吴歌 (夏歌)
  • Ballads of Four Seasons (Summer)
  • 子夜吴歌 (秋歌)
  • Ballads of Four Seasons
  • 子夜吴歌 (冬歌)
  • Ballads of Four Seasons (Winter)
  • 将进酒
  • Invitation to Wine
  • 赠孟浩然
  • To Meng Haoran
  • 夜泊牛渚怀古
  • Thoughts on Old Time from a Night-Mooring near Cattle Hill
  • 客中行
  • While Journeying
  • 陌上赠美人
  • To a Fair Lady Encountered on the Road
  • 登太白峰
  • Ascending the Snow-White Peak
  • 登广武古战场怀古
  • Reflections on the Ancient Battlefield at Guangwu
  • 南陵别儿童入京
  • Parting from My Children at Nanlingfor the Capital
  • 清平调词 (三首其一)
  • The Beautiful Lady Yang (I)
  • 清平调词 (三首其二)
  • The Beautiful Lady Yang (II)
  • 清平调词 (三首其三)
  • The Beautiful Lady Yang (III)
  • 忆东山 (二首其一)
  • The Eastern Hill (I)
  • 乌栖曲
  • Crows Going Back to Their Nest—Satire on the King of Wu
  • 下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒
  • Descending Zhongnan Mountainand Meeting Husi the Hermit
  • 月下独酌 (四首其一)
  • Drinking Alone under the Moon (I)
  • 把酒问月
  • Reflections on the Moon While Drinking
  • 白云歌送刘十六归山
  • Song of White Cloud—Farewell Song to Liu the Recluse
  • 秋日鲁郡尧祠亭上宴别杜补阙范侍御
  • Farewell to Two Friends in Luon an Autumn Day
  • 鲁郡东石门送杜二甫
  • Farewell to Du Fu at Stone Gate
  • 沙丘城下寄杜甫
  • To Du Fu from Sand Hill Town
  • 戏赠杜甫
  • Addressed Humorously to Du Fu
  • 梦游天姥吟留别
  • Mount SkylandAscended in a Dream—A Song of Farewell
  • 登金陵凤凰台
  • On Phoenix Terrace at Jinling
  • 劳劳亭
  • Pavilion Laolao
  • 丁都护歌
  • Song of the Tow-men
  • 苏台览古
  • The Ruin of the Gusu Palace
  • 越中览古
  • The Ruin of the Capital of Yue
  • 越女词 (五首其一)
  • Songs of the Southern Lass (I)
  • 越女词 (五首其三)
  • Songs of the Southern Lass (III)
  • 越女词 (五首其五)
  • Songs of the Southern Lass (V)
  • 渌水曲
  • Song of Green Water
  • 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄
  • To Wang Changling Banished to the West
  • 战城南
  • Fighting South of the Town
  • 听蜀僧濬弹琴
  • On Hearing a Monk from ShuPlaying His Lute
  • 寄东鲁二稚子
  • Written for My Two Children in East Lu
  • 秦王扫六合
  • The Emperor of Qin
  • 登高丘而望远海
  • Mounting a Heightand Viewing the Sea
  • 北风行
  • The North Wind
  • 横江词 (六首其一)
  • The Crosswise River (I)
  • 山中问答
  • A Dialogue in the Mountain
  • 自遣
  • Solitude
  • 独坐敬亭山
  • Sitting Alone in Face of Peak Jingting
  • 宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云
  • Farewell to Uncle Yun,the Imperial Librarian,at Xie Tiao's Pavilion in Xuanzhou
  • 秋登宣城谢朓北楼
  • On Ascending the North Tower One Autumn Day
  • 送友人
  • Farewell to a Friend
  • 秋浦歌 (十七首其十四)
  • Songs of Autumn Pool (XIV)
  • 秋浦歌 (十七首其十五)
  • Songs of Autumn Pool (XV)
  • 赠汪伦
  • To Wang Lun Who Comes to Bid Me Farewell
  • 哭晁卿衡
  • Elegy on Abe Nakamaro
  • 永王东巡歌 (十一首其二)
  • Song of Eastern Expedition of Prince Yong (II)
  • 与史郎中钦听黄鹤楼上吹笛
  • On Hearing the Flute in Yellow Crane Tower
  • 早发白帝城
  • Leaving the White Emperor Townfor Jiangling
  • 与夏十二登岳阳楼
  • Ascending the Tower of Yueyangwith Xia the Twelfth
  • 陪族叔刑部侍郎晔及中书贾舍人至游洞庭 (五首其二)
  • On Lake Dongting (II)
  • 江上吟
  • Song on the River
  • 夜宿山寺
  • The Summit Temple
  • 庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟
  • Song of Mount Lu—To Censor Lu Xuzhou
  • 豫章行
  • Song of Yuzhang
  • 哭宣城善酿纪叟
  • Elegy on Master Brewer Ji of Xuancheng
  • 宣城见杜鹃花
  • Azalea Blooms Viewed in Xuancheng
  • 临终歌
  • On Death-Bed


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