








  • 版权信息
  • 大风歌
  • Song of the Great Wind
  • 垓下歌
  • Xiang Yu's Last Song
  • 和项王歌
  • Rely to Xiang Yu
  • 秋风辞
  • Song of the Autumn Wind
  • 琴歌 (二首其一)
  • Songs of the Lute (I)
  • 北方有佳人
  • Song of the Northern Beauty
  • 怨歌行
  • To an Autumn Fan
  • 羽林郎
  • Captain of the Guard
  • 苏武诗 (四首其二)
  • Su Wu to His Wife (II)
  • 战城南
  • Fighting South of the Town
  • 有所思
  • I Long for One
  • 上邪
  • The Pledge
  • 江南
  • Gathering Lotus
  • 平陵东
  • East of the Tomb
  • 陌上桑
  • The Roadside Mulberry
  • 长歌行
  • A Slow Song
  • 东门行
  • Song of the East Gate
  • 饮马长城窟行
  • A Longing Wife
  • 妇病行
  • On Her Deathbed
  • 艳歌行
  • Song of A Roamer
  • 白头吟
  • Song of the White Hair
  • 蜨蝶行
  • Song of a Butterfly
  • 乌生八九子
  • Song of a Crow
  • 枯鱼过河泣
  • Song of a Dried Fish
  • 悲歌
  • A Song of Grief
  • 行行重行行
  • You Travel on and on
  • 青青河畔草
  • Green, Green Riverside Grass She Sees
  • 青青陵上柏
  • Green, Green, the Tombside Cypresses are Seen
  • 今日良宴会
  • We Keep a Feast in Spirit high
  • 西北有高楼
  • In Northwest There's a Tower Proud
  • 涉江采芙蓉
  • I Gather Lotus Blooms Across the Stream
  • 明月皎夜光
  • The Moon Shines Bright at Dead of Night
  • 冉冉孤生竹
  • Frail, Frail the Lonely Bamboo's Root
  • 庭中有奇树
  • A Rare Tree Stands in Courtyard Quiet
  • 迢迢牵牛星
  • Far, Far Away the Cowherd Star
  • 回车驾言迈
  • I Turn my Carriage and Set Out
  • 东城高且长
  • The Eastern Wall Stands Long and High
  • 驱车上东门
  • I Drive My Car through Upper Eastern Gate
  • 去者日以疏
  • The Bygone Times are Gone Farther away
  • 生年不满百
  • Few Live as Long as a Hundred Years
  • 凛凛岁云暮
  • Cold, Cold the End of Year Draws Near
  • 孟冬寒气至
  • In Early Winter the Cold Air Comes Forth
  • 客从远方来
  • A Guest Who Came From afar
  • 明月何皎皎
  • How Bright are Moonbeams Shed
  • 上山采蘼芜
  • The Old Wife and the New
  • 步出城东门
  • I Stroll out of the East Gate
  • 十五从军征
  • Homecoming after War
  • 蒿里行
  • Graveyard Song
  • 短歌行
  • A Short Song
  • 苦寒行
  • Song of the Cold Endured
  • 步出夏门行:观沧海
  • The Sea
  • 步出夏门行:龟虽寿
  • Indomitable Soul
  • 七哀诗
  • Seven Sorrows
  • 饮马长城窟行
  • I Water My Steed
  • 赠从弟 (三首其二)
  • The Pine-to My Cousin (II)
  • 室思 (六首其三)
  • A Wife's Thoughts (III)
  • 定情诗
  • A Woman's Love
  • 燕歌行 (二首其一)
  • Song of a Lonely Wife (I)
  • 箜篌引
  • Song of the Harp
  • 名都篇
  • Song of the Capital
  • 美女篇
  • Song of a Beauty
  • 白马篇
  • Song of the White Horse
  • 赠白马王彪
  • Song to the Prince of White Horse
  • 送应氏 (二首其一)
  • Parting With Ying at Luoyang(I)
  • 杂诗 (七首其四)
  • Seven Poems (IV)
  • 七哀
  • Lament
  • 七步诗
  • Written While Taking Seven Paces
  • 赠兄秀才从军 (十八首其九)
  • To My Brother Giving up the Pen for the Sword (Ⅸ)
  • 咏怀诗 (八十二首其一)
  • Reflections (I)
  • 咏怀诗 (八十二首其三)
  • Reflections (Ⅲ)
  • 车遥遥篇
  • The Carriages Roll
  • 情诗 (五首其三)
  • Love Poems (III)
  • 情诗 (五首其五)
  • Love Poems (V)
  • 悼亡诗 (三首其一)
  • Elegy on My Wife (I)
  • 王明君辞
  • Song of the Bright Lady
  • 赴洛道中作 (二首其二)
  • On My Way to Luoyang (II)
  • 咏史 (八首其一)
  • On History (I)
  • 咏史 (八首其二)
  • On History (II)
  • 思吴江歌
  • Thinking of the Eastern Stream
  • 七哀诗 (二首其一)
  • Song of Seven Sorrows (I)
  • 扶风歌
  • Riding the Wind
  • 游仙诗 (十四首其一)
  • Song of Immortals (I)
  • 兰亭诗 (六首其三)
  • In Orchid Pavilion (III)
  • 咏雪联句
  • Snow
  • 神情诗
  • Spirit of the Four Seasons
  • 时运 (四首其一)
  • Spring Excursion (I)
  • 时运 (四首其二)
  • Spring Excursion (II)
  • 归园田居 (五首其三)
  • Return to Nature (III)
  • 乞食
  • Begging for Food
  • 移居 (二首其一)
  • Moving House (I)
  • 饮酒 (二十首其五)
  • Drinking Wine (V)
  • 责子
  • Blaming Sons
  • 咏贫士 (七首其一)
  • A Poor Scholar (I)
  • 拟挽歌辞 (三首其一)
  • An Elegy for Myself (I)
  • 过始宁墅
  • Passing My Ancestral Estate
  • 登池上楼
  • On Poolside Tower
  • 石壁精舍还湖中作
  • Written on the Lake, Returning from Stone Clif
  • 岁暮
  • The Year's End
  • 东阳溪中赠答二首
  • Exchange of Verse on the Stream
  • 代出自蓟北门行
  • Song of Northern Frontier
  • 拟行路难 (十八首其四)
  • In Imitation of the Weary Way (IV)
  • 梅花落
  • The Mume Blossoms
  • 赠傅都曹别
  • Farewell to Secretary Fu
  • 玉阶怨
  • Grief of a Lonely Palace Maid
  • 王孙游
  • A Longing Wife
  • 游东田
  • Excursion on Eastern Fields
  • 暂使下都夜发新林至京邑赠西府同僚
  • River Journey from the West to the Capital
  • 晚登三山还望京邑
  • Gazing at Dusk on the Capital from the Three Peaks
  • 子夜歌二首
  • Midnight Songs
  • 江南弄
  • Song of the Southern Shore
  • 之零陵郡次新亭
  • Moored at New Tower
  • 别诗
  • Farewell Town
  • 古离别
  • After Parting
  • 临高台
  • On the Height
  • 夜夜曲
  • Night after Night
  • 咏湖中雁
  • Wild Geese on the Lake
  • 伤谢朓
  • Lament for Xie Tiao
  • 六忆诗四首
  • Six Recollections
  • 江南曲
  • A Southern Song
  • 酬范记室云
  • Reply to Fan Yun
  • 相送
  • At Parting
  • 春咏
  • Song of Spring
  • 入若耶溪
  • On River Yoya
  • 渡青草湖
  • Crossing Green Grass Lake
  • 晚出新亭
  • Leaving New Tower at Dusk
  • 关山月 (二首其一)
  • The Moon over the Mountain Pass (I)
  • 长安听百舌
  • On Hearing a Blackbird in the North
  • 渡河北
  • Crossing the Yellow River to the North
  • 入关故人别
  • Seeing a Friend off South
  • 拟咏怀 (二十七首其二十六)
  • Reflections(XXVI)
  • 舟中望月
  • The Moon Viewed from the Boat
  • 重别周尚书 (二首其一)
  • Parting Again with Secretary Zhou (I)
  • 春江花月夜 (二首其一)
  • The River on a Moonlit Night in Blooming Spring (I)
  • 野望
  • A Field View
  • 南北朝民歌


  • 用户头像





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