





  • 版权信息
  • Preface 前言
  • To Students 致同学们
  • Chapter One Know Your Voice and Body 第一章 了解你的嗓音和身体
  • Good Voice, Bad Voice? 好嗓音还是坏嗓音?
  • Balance the Body 身体平衡
  • Exercise 1.1 Get to know your body 练习 1.1 了解你的身体
  • Exercise 1.2 The basic centring exercise 练习 1.2 基础平衡校对训练
  • Exercise 1.3 Release your shoulders 练习 1.3 放松你的肩膀
  • Exercise 1.4 Release your jaw 练习 1.4 打开牙关
  • Suggested Answers 参考答案
  • Chapter Two Vocal Dynamics:R+5Ps 第二章 播音六大活力要素:R+5Ps
  • Resonance 共鸣
  • Exercise 2.1 Get your resonators going 练习 2.1 感受共鸣腔
  • Pitch 音调
  • Exercise 2.2 Spoken scales 练习 2.2 会话音阶
  • Exercise 2.3 Use the slide 练习 2.3 使用连滑变调
  • Discussion: Pitch and Authoritativeness 讨论: 音调与权威性
  • Exercise 2.4 Applying slide to impromptu and extemporaneous speeches 练习 2.4 在即兴和脱稿演讲中运用声调起伏
  • Punch 重音
  • Exercise 2.5 Weak forms 练习 2.5 弱读形式
  • Exercise 2.6 The punching technique 练习 2.6 掌握重音技巧
  • Pace 语速
  • Exercise 2.7 Vary the pace according to the content and emotion 练习 2.7 根据内容和情感来变化语速
  • Discussion: Pace and Comprehension 讨论: 语速与理解力
  • Exercise 2.8 The Announcer's Test 练习 2.8 播音员语速测试
  • Pause 停顿
  • Exercise 2.9 Pause for reflection, anticipation and implication 练习 2.9 用停顿来表达反思、期待和暗示
  • Projection Control 发声控制
  • Exercise 2.10 Projection control over long distance 练习 2.10 长距离的发声控制
  • Exercise 2.11 Projection control in a small range 练习 2.11 小范围内的发声控制
  • Using the Microphones 学习使用话筒
  • Types of Mics 话筒的种类
  • Accessories 配件
  • How to Hold Your Mic 如何手持话筒
  • Correct 正确方法
  • Wrong 错误方法
  • Where to Put the Mics 话筒摆放原则
  • Avoiding 'Popping' and Other Mouth Noises 防止出现“破音”和其他语音噪声
  • Suggested Answers 参考答案
  • Chapter Three Signposting and Rhythm 第三章 音调指路牌和播音的韵律
  • Punctuate with Intonation 以音调作为标点符号
  • Exercise 3.1 Intonation makes a difference 练习 3.1 音调变化所引起的意思变化
  • Signpost a Script 为听众“指路”
  • Exercise 3.2 Sorting out what to signpost 练习 3.2 找到语调指路牌
  • Exercise 3.3 Signposting as you broadcast 练习 3.3 为听众“指路”
  • Break the Rhythmic Patterns 打破韵律套路
  • Exercise 3.4 Headlines technique 练习 3.4 读标题新闻技巧
  • Be Credible and Conversational 播音的可信度和会话性
  • Exercise 3.5 Tell the news 练习 3.5 新闻播报
  • Discussion: News Voice and Credibility 讨论: 新闻腔与可信度
  • Suggested Answers 参考答案
  • Chapter Four Back to Basics 第四章 重温基础
  • Measure the Vowels 丈量元音
  • Openness of the Mouth 开口度
  • Position of the Tongue 舌位
  • Rounding of the Lips 圆唇度
  • Exercise 4.1 Review of Front Vowels 练习 4.1 温习前元音
  • Exercise 4.2 Review of Central Vowels 练习 4.2 温习中元音
  • Exercise 4.3 Review of Back Vowels 练习 4.3 温习后元音
  • Sculpt with Consonants 用辅音来雕琢
  • Lip Consonants: [p], [b], [m] 唇辅音: [p], [b], [m]
  • Exercise 4.4 Lip Consonants [p] and [b]练习 4.4 唇辅音[p]和[b]
  • Exercise 4.5 Lip Consonant [m] 练习 4.5 唇辅音[m]
  • Tongue-tip Consonants: [t], [d], [n], [l] 舌尖辅音: [t], [d], [n], [l]
  • Exercise 4.6 Tongue-tip Consonants[t] and [d]练习 4.6 舌尖辅音[t]和[d]
  • Exercise 4.7 Tongue-tip Consonant [n]练习 4.7 舌尖辅音[n]
  • Exercise 4.8 Tongue-tip Consonant [l] 练习 4.8 舌尖辅音[l]
  • Tongue-back Consonants: [k], [g], [ŋ] 舌后辅音: [k], [g], [ŋ]
  • Exercise 4.9 Tongue-back Consonants [k] and [g] 练习 4.9 舌后辅音[k]和[g]
  • Exercise 4.10 Tongue-back Consonants [ŋ] (incl. [ŋk] and [ŋg]) 练习 4.10 舌后辅音[ŋ](包括[ŋk]和[ŋg])
  • Exercise 4.11 Other consonants [s] and [z] 练习 4.11 其他辅音[s]和[z]
  • Exercise 4.12 Other consonants 练习 4.12 其他辅音
  • Exercise 4.13 Other consonants [tʃ] and [dʒ]练习 4.13 其他辅音[tʃ]和[dʒ]
  • Exercise 4.14 Other consonants [f]和[v]练习 4.14 其他辅音[f]和[v]
  • Exercise 4.15 Other consonants [θ] and [ð]练习 4.15 其他辅音[θ]和[ð]
  • Exercise 4.16 Other consonant [h]练习 4.16 其他辅音[h]
  • Application Telling the News 应用 新闻播报
  • Glossary 词汇
  • Bibliography 参考资料
  • Acknowledgement 致谢




