- 版权信息
- Acknowledgements
- 鸣谢
- 《独陪明月看荷花》解题 代序
- The Poet: Florence Chia-ying Yeh
- 诗人:叶嘉莹
- Poet's Preface: A "Worn-out Brush" Enhanced
- 诗者序:“敝帚”精装
- The Calligrapher: Yim Tse
- 书法家:谢琰
- Calligrapher's Preface: "Three Rats" Collaborating
- 书者序:“三鼠”同心
- The Translator: Tommy W. K. Tao
- 译者:陶永强
- Translator's Preface: I Believe
- 译者序:我相信
- 咏莲(一九四〇年夏)
- To the Lotus (Summer, 1940)
- 咏菊(一九四〇年)
- To the Chrysanthemum (1940)
- 高中毕业聚餐会后口占(一九四〇年)
- Composed Extempore After the Senior High School Graduation Dinner (1940)
- 三字令(一九四〇年)
- To the Tune of "Three Word Lines" (1940)
- 母亡后接父书(一九四一年)
- Receiving a Letter from Father After Mother Died (1941)
- 如梦令·残柳(一九四二年秋)
- Weathered Willow To the Tune of "Dreamy Melody" (Fall, 1942)
- 落梅风(一九四二年)
- To the Tune of "Plum Petals Fly" (1942)
- 折窗前雪竹寄嘉富姊(一九四二年冬)
- To Jiafu: Leaves Plucked from the Snow-capped Bamboo by the Window (Winter, 1942)
- 生涯(一九四三年)
- Destiny (1943)
- 秋宵听雨(一九四三年)
- Listening to the Rain One Autumn Night (1943)
- 正宫端正好套曲
- Me at Twenty
- 醉太平(一九四四年秋)
- To the Tune of "Drunken Good Times" (Fall, 1944)
- 晚秋杂诗 五首选一(一九四四年秋)
- Late Fall 1 of 5 (Fall, 1944)
- 采桑子(一九四五年春)
- To the Tune of "The Mulberry Picker" (Spring, 1945)
- 转蓬(一九五〇年)
- Blown Thistle (1950)
- 蝶恋花(一九五二年春)
- To the Tune of "Butterflies Love Flowers" (Spring, 1952)
- 郊游野柳偶成四绝 选一(一九六一年)
- Quatrain on a Trip to Yeh-liu 1 of 4 (1961)
- 海云(一九六一年)
- Sea Clouds (1961)
- 读庄子逍遥游偶成二绝(一九六四年)
- Two Poems in Response to Zhuangzi's "The Great Journey" (1964)
- 菩萨蛮(一九六七年)
- To the Tune of "Wild Beauty" (1967)
- 水云谣(一九六八年)
- Song of the Water and Clouds (1968)
- 异国(一九六九年秋)
- Alien Land (Fall, 1969)
- 鹏飞(一九七〇年)
- Falcon's Flight (1970)
- 父殁(一九七一年春)
- Father Died (Spring, 1971)
- 庭前烟树为雪所压持竿击去树上积雪以救折枝口占绝句(一九七一年)
- Tree Laden with Snow (Composed Extempore) (1971)
- 梦中得句杂用义山诗足成绝句(一九七一年)
- Lines That Came in a Dream: Derived from Li Shangyin's Poems (1971)
- 发留过长剪而短之又病其零乱不整因梳为髻或见而讶之戏赋此诗(一九七一年)
- My Hair Was Too Long (1971)
- 一九七六年三月廿四日长女言言与婿永廷以车祸同时罹难日日哭之陆续成诗十首 选四(一九七六年)
- Poems Written in Tears 4 of 10 (1976)
- 雾中有作七绝二首(一九七七年)
- In the Mist: Two Quatrains (1977)
- 向晚二首(一九七八年春)
- At Dusk: Two Quatrains (Spring, 1978)
- 水龙吟·秋日感怀(一九七八年)
- Reflections on an Autumn Day To the Tune of "Water Dragon Song" (1978)
- 临江仙(一九七八年)
- To the Tune of "River Nymph" (1978)
- 赠故都师友(一九七九年)
- For My Teachers and Friends at the Ancient Capital (1979)
- 水调歌头·题友人国殇图(一九七九年)
- Inscription for a Friend's Drawing of a Fallen Hero To the Tune of "Water Song" (1979)
- 水龙吟·题嵇康鼓琴图(一九七九年)
- The Painting of Ji Kang Playing a Qin To the Tune of "Water Dragon Song" (1979)
- 鹊踏枝(一九八〇年)
- To the Tune of "Magpie on a Perch" (1980)
- 一九八一年春自温哥华乘机赴草堂参加杜诗学会机上口占(一九八一年)
- Composed Extempore on the Flight to China from Vancouver in the Spring of 1981 to Attend a Conference of the Du Fu Poetry Society (1981)
- 鹧鸪天(一九八二年)
- To the Tune of "Partridge Sky" (1982)
- 蝶恋花(一九八三年)
- To the Tune of "Butterflies Love Flowers" (1983)
- 浣溪沙(一九八三年)
- To the Tune of "Sands of the Washing Stream" (1983)
- 木兰花慢·咏荷(一九八三年)
- Ode to the Lotus To the Tune of "Magnolia Blossoms Adagio" (1983)
- 《灵谿词说》书成,口占一绝(一九八八年五月)
- Composed Extempore upon Completion of My Book on Ci-poetry (May 1988)
- 瑶华(一九八八年)
- To the Tune of "Flower Most Pure" (1988)
- 纪梦(一九九一年)
- A Dream (1991)
- 金晖(一九九一年)
- Golden Rays (1991)
- 鹧鸪天(二〇〇〇年)
- To the Tune of "Partridge Sky" (2000)
- 鹧鸪天(二〇〇一年)
- To the Tune of "Partridge Sky" (2001)
- 浣溪沙·为南开马蹄湖荷花作(二〇〇二)
- To the Lotus of the Horseshoe Lake at Nankai (2002)
- 妥芬诺度假纪事绝句 十首选二(二〇〇四年五月)
- On a Trip to Tofino 2 of Ten Quatrains (May 2004)
- 妥芬诺度假纪事绝句(二〇〇四年五月)
- On a Trip to Tofino (May 2004)
- 随席慕蓉女士至内蒙作原乡之旅口占绝句十首 之二(二〇〇五年九月)
- Trip to My Ancestral Land in Inner Mongolia 2nd of 10 (September 2005)
- 水调歌头·渡假归来戏作录示同游诸友(二〇〇六年五月六日)
- For My Travel Companions, After a Trip (May 6, 2006)
- 绝句一首(二〇〇七)
- Quatrain (2007)
- 戊子仲夏感事抒怀绝句 三首选二(二〇〇八年六月)
- Midsummer 2008 2 of 3 (June 2008)
- 戊子仲夏感事抒怀绝句(二〇〇八年六月)
- Midsummer 2008 (June 2008)
- 雪后尘霾不散,口占绝句二首 之二(二〇一三年一月廿二日)
- Lingering Smog 2nd of 2 (January 22, 2013)
- Translator's Postscript
- There Was A Poem
- 有一首诗