






  • 高效英语阅读单词1
  • 版权信息
  • Chapter 01 Friendship 友谊
  • Reading Passage 1 Making Friends 交朋友
  • Reading Passage 2 Good Friends 好朋友
  • Reading Passage 3 Friends and Hobbies 朋友和爱好
  • Reading Passage 4 A Friend Indeed 患难之交
  • Chapter 02 Culture 文化
  • Reading Passage 1 The TV Programmes That Children Like 孩子喜欢的电视节目
  • Reading Passage 2 How to Choose Gifts 如何选择礼物
  • Reading Passage 3 French Lunch 法式午餐
  • Reading Passage 4 Father Christmas Being Late 迟到的圣诞老人
  • Chapter 03 Science & Technology 科技
  • Reading Passage 1 Taking Care of the Computer 善待电脑
  • Reading Passage 2 The Vision Phone 可视电话
  • Reading Passage 3 Columbus's Wisdom 哥伦布的智慧
  • Reading Passage 4 A 15-Year-Old Inventor 15岁的发明家
  • Chapter 04 Education 教育
  • Reading Passage 1 American Students 美国学生
  • Reading Passage 2 Choosing Classes 选择班级
  • Reading Passage 3 School Education 学校教育
  • Reading Passage 4 Help My Son Grow 帮我儿子成长
  • Chapter 05 Health 健康
  • Reading Passage 1 Can Chicken Soup Fight Cold? 鸡汤能御寒吗?
  • Reading Passage 2 Why Do People Love Oranges? 人们为什么爱橘子?
  • Reading Passage 3 Energy Drink 能量饮料
  • Reading Passage 4 The Secrets of Staying Young and Being Happy 保持年轻和快乐的秘诀
  • Chapter 06 Society 社会
  • Reading Passage 1 How to Catch More Criminals? 怎么抓住更多的罪犯?
  • Reading Passage 2 Addiction to Computer Games 游戏上瘾
  • Reading Passage 3 Poor or Rich 贫穷还是富有
  • Reading Passage 4 A Letter to Parents 给爸爸妈妈的一封信
  • Chapter 07 Sports 体育
  • Reading Passage 1 Jogging Americans 慢跑的美国人
  • Reading Passage 2 The World Cup 世界杯
  • Reading Passage 3 NBA Yao School NBA姚明学校
  • Reading Passage 4 A Policeman as a Football Fan 警察当球迷
  • Chapter 08 Morality 道德
  • Reading Passage 1 The Repayment of a Kind Deed 善行的回报
  • Reading Passage 2 A Philanthropic Girl 一个乐于助人的姑娘
  • Reading Passage 3 Can I Give You One of Mine? 我把我自己的一个给你吧?
  • Reading Passage 4 A Lottery Ticket 一张彩票
  • Chapter 09 Inspiration 激情
  • Reading Passage 1 Be Strong Inside 内心要强大
  • Reading Passage 2 Micro Biography of Edison 爱迪生小传
  • Reading Passage 3 The Struggling History of My Grandpa 我祖父的奋斗史
  • Reading Passage 4 Never Settle 永不停歇
  • Chapter 10 Family 家庭
  • Reading Passage 1 Mother's Love in Silence 母爱无言
  • Reading Passage 2 Parental Love 父母的爱
  • Reading Passage 3 Love Is Two-Way 相互的爱
  • Reading Passage 4 The Other Side of Dad 爸爸的另一面
  • 高效英语阅读单词2
  • 版权信息
  • Chapter 01 Science and Technology 科学和技术
  • Reading Passage 1 Inventions by Accident 意外的发明
  • Reading Passage 2 Secrets for Choosing Internet Passwords 网络密码的设置秘诀
  • Reading Passage 3 Ownership of the Moon 月球的主权
  • Reading Passage 4 Robots in the Future 未来的机器人
  • Chapter 02 Environmental Protection 环境保护
  • Reading Passage 1 World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace 世界野生动物基金会和绿色和平组织
  • Reading Passage 2 An Earth's Cousin — Kepler-186f 地球的表妹——开普勒-186f
  • Reading Passage 3 The Cleaning Day 清洁日
  • Reading Passage 4 Trash into Energy 垃圾变能源
  • Chapter 03 Social Phenomena 社会现象
  • Reading Passage 1 More Use of Chinese Characters 多使用汉字
  • Reading Passage 2 Doctors Without Borders 无国界医生
  • Reading Passage 3 Schools That Give Lectures in the Afternoon 下午开始上课的学校
  • Reading Passage 4 The Progress of Urbanisation 城市化进程
  • Chapter 04 Culture and Customs 文化习俗
  • Reading Passage 1 Quebec Winter Carnival and the International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin 魁北克冬季狂欢节与哈尔滨国际冰雪节
  • Reading Passage 2 How British and American People Treat Friends 英美人的待客之道
  • Reading Passage 3 How Akuapem People Receive Visitors 阿夸佩姆族人的待客之道
  • Reading Passage 4 Hawaii—the Best Choice for Tourists 夏威夷——旅游者的首选之地
  • Chapter 05 Education 教育
  • Reading Passage 1 How to Improve Your IQ 如何提高你的智商
  • Reading Passage 2 An Eighty-Seven-Year-Old College Student 一位八十七岁的大学生
  • Reading Passage 3 Read Books in a Happy Way 快乐读书
  • Reading Passage 4 How to Learn a Foreign Language 如何学好一门外语
  • Chapter 06 Health 健康
  • Reading Passage 1 Learn to Relax 学会休闲
  • Reading Passage 2 Hobbies with Many Advantages 益处多多的爱好
  • Reading Passage 3 Relationship Between Obesity and Deprivation of Sleep 肥胖与缺乏睡眠的关系
  • Reading Passage 4 Exercises Can Improve Your Mood 锻炼可以改善心情
  • Chapter 07 Role Models 偶像的力量
  • Reading Passage 1 The Growth of Yang Mi 杨幂成长记
  • Reading Passage 2 Liu Wei — A Boy Playing the Piano with His Toes 刘伟——用脚趾弹钢琴的少年
  • Reading Passage 3 A Little Girl's Dancing Dream 一个小女孩的舞蹈梦
  • Reading Passage 4 Start One's Own Business 自主创业
  • Chapter 08 Soul Soother 心灵慰藉
  • Reading Passage 1 Invisible Love 看不见的爱
  • Reading Passage 2 Parents' Love 父爱母爱一起来
  • Reading Passage 3 A Relay Race of Love 爱心接力
  • Reading Passage 4 Notes with Love 爱心贴
  • Chapter 09 Disasters 灾难
  • Reading Passage 1 The Chicago Fire 芝加哥大火
  • Reading Passage 2 How to Escape from a Fire 火海逃生秘诀
  • Reading Passage 3 The Most Beautiful Sound in the Fire 大火中最动听的声音
  • Reading Passage 4 The Plane Crash 飞机坠毁
  • Chapter 10 Fables and Stories 寓言和故事
  • Reading Passage 1 Mouse and Lion 老鼠与狮子
  • Reading Passage 2 Wizards and Tongues 巫师和舌头
  • Reading Passage 3 Golden Fish and a Greedy Woman 金鱼与贪婪的妇人
  • Reading Passage 4 The Legend of Treasure Island 《金银岛》的由来
  • 高效英语阅读单词3
  • 版权信息
  • Chapter 01 Man and Nature 人与自然
  • Reading Passage 1 Going Green 绿色环保生活
  • Reading Passage 2 Light Pollution 光污染
  • Reading Passage 3 Floating Garbage and the Study of Ocean Currents 通过海上漂浮物来研究洋流
  • Reading Passage 4 Nauru Became an Ecological Disaster Area 太平洋岛国瑙鲁的劫难
  • Chapter 02 Animal Planet 动物世界
  • Reading Passage 1 Befriend a Grouse 跟松鸡交朋友
  • Reading Passage 2 Bees Can Frighten Elephants Away 蜜蜂能吓跑大象
  • Reading Passage 3 Fight Against a Bear 遭遇棕熊
  • Reading Passage 4 Animals Lie 动物撒谎
  • Chapter 03 Childhood Memories 童年的记忆
  • Reading Passage 1 Learning to Be Independent 学会独立生活
  • Reading Passage 2 The Life Lessons from Dad 从父亲那里学到的生活课
  • Reading Passage 3 Childhood Adventure 童年历险经历
  • Reading Passage 4 Reading in a Summer Vacation 暑假读书记
  • Chapter 04 Business World 商业界
  • Reading Passage 1 How to Behave in Doing Business in Some Countries 在一些国家做生意的行为指南
  • Reading Passage 2 Smell and the Store 香味让实体店大有可为
  • Reading Passage 3 How Sparrow Became One Successful Fast-Food Chain 小麻雀快餐店的复兴之路
  • Reading Passage 4 Waiting for Your Turn or Paying for Your Line 先到先得还是付费插队
  • Chapter 05 High-Tech Life 现代生活
  • Reading Passage 1 Electric Toothbrush 电子牙刷
  • Reading Passage 2 Smart Washing Machine 智能洗衣机
  • Reading Passage 3 LongPen, a Long Distance Signing Device 远程亲笔签名
  • Reading Passage 4 Measures Against Cheating Online 防止网络作弊的措施
  • Chapter 06 Health 健康
  • Reading Passage 1 Reasonable Evaluation About Health Problems 健康问题的合理评估
  • Reading Passage 2 Myths About Being Fat 关于肥胖的错误观念
  • Reading Passage 3 Five Suggestions for a Lifetime of Healthy Eyesight 让视力健康一生的五条建议
  • Reading Passage 4 Your House of Life 人生的房子
  • Chapter 07 Happiness 幸福
  • Reading Passage 1 What Is Happiness? 幸福的真谛
  • Reading Passage 2 Your Personality Decides Who You Are 性格决定真正的你
  • Reading Passage 3 Being a Creator Rather Than a Victim 争当创造者,拒当受害者
  • Reading Passage 4 Showing Love to Others 与人为善
  • Chapter 08 Success 成功
  • Reading Passage 1 Willpower 意志力
  • Reading Passage 2 Your Time and Money 合理使用时间与金钱
  • Reading Passage 3 Focus and Action 专注+行动=成功
  • Reading Passage 4 The Power of Imagination 想象力
  • Chapter 09 Kindness 善行
  • Reading Passage 1 Random Kindness 随意的善举
  • Reading Passage 2 Ashoka 爱创家
  • Reading Passage 3 ORBIS 奥比斯
  • Reading Passage 4 A Good Heart 善有善报
  • Chapter 10 Good Examples 好榜样
  • Reading Passage 1 Charlotte Whitehead 夏洛特·怀特黑德
  • Reading Passage 2 Elizabeth Freeman 伊丽莎白·弗雷曼
  • Reading Passage 3 George Gershwin 乔治·格什温
  • Reading Passage 4 Mark Twain 马克·吐温




