






  • 版权信息
  • 内容提要
  • 前言
  • Part Ⅰ The Legal Environment of International Business
  • Chapter 1 International Business and the Risks
  • 1.1 What Is International Business
  • 1.2 The Environment of International Business
  • 1.3 History of International Business
  • 1.4 Risks of International Business
  • Chapter 2 International Business Law and International Organizations
  • 2.1 International Law
  • 2.2 International Business Law
  • 2.3 International Organizations
  • Chapter 3 National Laws and Legal Systems
  • 3.1 Major World Legal Systems
  • 3.2 National Laws Governing InternationalBusiness Transactions
  • Part Ⅱ International Sale of Goods
  • Chapter 4 Overview of International Sale of Goods
  • 4.1 Fundamentals of International Sale of Goods
  • 4.2 Procedure of International Sale of Goods
  • 4.3 Risks in International Sale of Goods
  • Chapter 5 Introduction to International Sales Contracts
  • 5.1 Fundamentals of Contracts
  • 5.2 Laws and Practices on International Sales Contracts
  • Chapter 6 Legal Issues on International Sales Contracts
  • 6.1 Formation of International Sales Contracts
  • 6.2 Seller's Obligations
  • 6.3 Buyer's Obligations
  • 6.4 Risk of Loss
  • 6.5 Excused Performance
  • 6.6 Remedies for Breach of Contract
  • Chapter 7 International Transportation of Goods
  • 7.1 Transportation of Goods by Sea
  • 7.2 Transportation of Goods by Air
  • 7.3 Transportation of Goods by Rail and Road
  • 7.4 Multimodal Transportation of Goods
  • 7.5 Marine Cargo Insurance
  • Chapter 8 Payment in International Sale of Goods
  • 8.1 Modes of International Payment
  • 8.2 Fundamentals of Negotiable Instruments
  • 8.3 The Bill of Exchange
  • 8.4 Letters of Credit
  • Part Ⅲ International Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Chapter 9 Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing
  • 9.1 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights
  • 9.2 International Intellectual Property Organizations andTreaties
  • 9.3 Regulations on International Licensing
  • 9.4 Regulations of International Franchising
  • Part Ⅳ Settlement of International Commercial Disputes
  • Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration
  • 10.1 Methods of International Commercial DisputeSettlement
  • 10.2 Settlement of International Commercial Disputesthrough Arbitration




