- 版权信息
- Introduction
- Philosophers
- 老子 Lǎo Zǐ (circa 580-470 BC) A Legendary Philosopher
- 孔子 Confucius (551-479 BC) The Greatest Thinker
- 墨子 Mò Zǐ (468-376 BC) Pacifist Thinker and Inventor
- 孟子 Mencius (372-289 BC) Principal Interpreter of Confucianism
- 庄子 Zhuāng Zǐ (circa 369-286 BC) Freewheeling Taoist
- 荀子 Xún Zǐ (circa 313-238 BC) 'All Humans are Born Evil'
- 韩非 Hán Fēi (circa 280-233 BC) Sage of 'Rule by Fear'
- 王充 Wáng Chōng (27-circa 99 AD) An Iconoclastic Thinker
- 朱熹 Zhū Xǐ (1130-1200) Foremost Neo-Confucian Thinker
- 黄宗羲 Huáng Zōngxī (1610-1695) The Chinese Rousseau
- 王夫之 Wáng Fūzhī (1619-1692) Enlightenment Thinker
- Poets & Writers
- 屈原 Qū Yuán (circa 340-278 BC) A Great Patriotic Poet
- 司马相如 Sīmǎ Xiàngrú (circa 179-118 BC) The Poet Who Eloped
- 司马迁 Sīmǎ Qiān (circa 145-90 BC) Historiography Father
- 曹植 Cáo Zhí (192-232 AD) The Poetical Prodigy
- 王勃 Wáng Bó (649-676 AD) Brief Life, Lasting Fame
- 陈子昂 Chén Zǐ'áng (661-702 AD) Tang Poetry's Pioneer
- 李白 Lǐ Bái (701-762 AD) The 'God of Poetry'
- 杜甫 Dù Fǔ (712-770 AD) Suffering Poetry Saint
- 苏轼 Sū Shì (1037-1101) A Rare, Versatile Scholar
- 李清照 Lǐ Qīngzhào (1084-1151) Ci's Finest Female Poet
- 陆游 Lù Yóu (1125-1210) The Patriot of Poetry
- 辛弃疾 Xīn Qìjī (1140-1207) Lyric Poet and Patriot
- 关汉卿 Guān Hànqīng (1225-1302) China's Own Shakespeare
- 施耐庵 Shī Nài'ān (1296-1370) Author Steeped in Mystery
- 吴承恩 Wú Chéng'ēn (circa 1501-1582) Man Behind Monkey King
- 曹雪芹 Cáo Xuěqín (circa 1715-1763 or 1764) The Author of a Great Classic
- Buddhists
- 玄奘 Xuánzàng (circa 602-664 AD) A Great Buddhist Monk
- 惠能 Huìnéng (638-713 AD) Rustic Patriarch
- Scientists & Craftsmen
- 鲁班 Lǔ Bān (circa 507-444 BC) Legendary Master Carpenter
- 孙武 Sūn Wǔ (circa 535-480 BC) Winning Ways of Ancient Strategist
- 扁鹊 Biǎn Què (circa 407-310 BC) The First Physician in China
- 蔡伦 Cài Lún (circa 61-121 AD) Paper Trail Leads to Eunuch Cai
- 张衡 Zhāng Héng (78-139 AD) Inventor of the Seismometer
- 张仲景 Zhāng Zhòngjǐng (circa 150-219 AD) Plague Prompts Doctor's Work
- 华佗 Huà Tuó (circa 145-208 AD) A Pioneering Chinese Surgeon
- 祖冲之 Zǔ Chōngzhī (429-500 AD) An Early Chinese Star of Astronomy
- 贾思勰 Jiǎ Sīxié (end of 5th century-mid-6th century) Scribe of Guide to Farming
- 郦道元 Lì Dàoyuán (circa 470-527 AD) Water Writer Plumbs New Depths
- 孙思邈 Sūn Sīmiǎo (circa 581-682 AD) The 'King of Medicine'
- 毕昇 Bì Shēng (970-1051) Inventor of the Movable Type Technology
- 沈括 Shěn Kuò (1031-1095) China's Great Scientific Mind
- 黄道婆 Huáng Dàopó (circa 1245-1330) Granny's Great Innovations
- 李时珍 Lǐ Shízhēn (1518-1593) Saint of Medicine and Scribe of Herbs
- 徐光启 Xú Guāngqǐ (1562-1633) City's Son Introduces European Science
- 詹天佑 Zhān Tiānyòu (1861-1919) Father of China's Railways
- Painters & Calligraphers
- 王羲之 Wáng Xīzhī (303-361 AD) Sage of Chinese Calligraphy
- 顾恺之 Gù Kǎizhī (348-409 AD) Originator of Chinese Painting
- 吴道子 Wú Dàozǐ (680-759 AD) Painter's Death a Tall Tale
- 郑燮 Zhèng Xiè (1693-1765) An Eccentric Painter
- Influential Figures
- 管仲 Guǎn Zhòng (circa 720-645 BC) Leading Reformer
- 项羽 Xiàng Yǔ (232-202 BC) A Prideful, Tragic Hero
- 王昭君 Wáng Zhāojūn (circa 52-20 BC) A Beautiful Lady Helps Keep Peace
- 商鞅 Shāng Yāng (circa 390-338 BC) A Great Statesman and Political Reformer
- 陈胜 Chén Shèng (?-208 BC) Leader of First Peasant Rebellion
- 诸葛亮 Zhūgě Liàng (181-234 AD) A Godlike Prophet
- 关羽 Guān Yǔ (160-219 AD) Lord Guan Revered for His Bravery
- 魏征 Wèi Zhēng (580-643 AD) Candid Official Earns Great Respect
- 鉴真 Jiànzhēn (687-763 AD) Monk Spreads the Word in Japan
- 包拯 Bāo Zhěng (999-1062) Iconic Official Who's Incorruptible
- 王安石 Wáng Ānshí (1021-1086) Statesman with a Gift for Writing
- 岳飞 Yuè Fēi (1103-1142) A Peerless General and National Hero
- 文天祥 Wén Tiānxiáng (1236-1283) Hero Stays Loyal to the Bitter End
- 郑和 Zhèng Hé (1371-1433) Did the Admiral Discover the New World?
- 海瑞 Hǎi Ruì (1514-1587) Moral Official Dares to Criticize Emperor
- 戚继光 Qī Jìguāng (1528-1588) 'Tiger General' Stops Japanese Pirates
- 徐霞客 Xú Xiákè (1586-1641) Intrepid Explorer Keeps a Meticulous Diary
- 郑成功 Zhèng Chénggōng (1624-1662) A National Hero Who Recaptures Taiwan
- 李自成 Lǐ Zìchéng (1606-1645) Shortsighted Military Genius
- 林则徐 Lín Zéxú (1785-1850) Patriotic Official Fights the Opium Trade
- 龚自珍 Gōng Zìzhēn (1792-1841) A Reform-minded Official and Poet
- 李鸿章 Lǐ Hóngzhāng (1823-1901) Powerful Official Invites Controversy
- 严复 Yán Fù (1854-1921) Educator Pushes for Modernization
- 康有为 Kāng Yǒuwéi (1858-1927) Reformer Tries to Change China
- 蔡元培 Cài Yuánpéi (1868-1940) Educator Supports Civil Rights Movement
- 陶行知 Táo Xíngzhī (1891-1946) A Great Educator and Reformer
- Emperors & Empresses
- 黄帝 The Yellow Emperor (reign 2717 - 2599 BC) Father of This Great Civilization
- 大禹 Dà Yǔ (circa ?-2062 BC) Taming the Long and Wild Rivers of China
- 秦始皇 Qín Shǐ Huáng (259-210 BC) The 'First Emperor' of China
- 刘邦 Liú Bāng (256-195 BC) Founder of the Powerful Han Dynasty
- 汉武帝 Emperor Wu of Han (156-87 BC) Insatiable Ambition for Territorial Expansion
- 曹操 Cáo Cāo (155-220 AD) Speak of His Name and He Arrives
- 李世民 Lǐ Shìmín (599-649 AD) Creator of a Dynastic Golden Age
- 武则天 Wǔ Zétiān (624-705 AD) The Only Empress Regnant in China's History
- 成吉思汗 Genhis Khan (1162-1227) Founder of the World's Largest Empire
- 朱元璋 Zhū Yuánzhāng (1328-1398) From a Beggar to an Emperor
- 康熙 Emperor Kangxi (1654-1722) Longest Reign Brings Prosperity
- 慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) Mysterious 'Queen without a Crown'