







  • 版权信息
  • 版权信息
  • 前 言
  • 第一部分 教师职业发展
  • 我国近二十年教师发展研究文献计量学分析 Bibliometric Analysis of Teacher Development Research over the Past Two Decades in China
  • 外语教师行动研究:收获、难点、出路 Action Research by Foreign-Language-Teachers: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies
  • “互联网+”时代英语教师的机遇与挑战 Opportunities and Challenges Facing English Teachers in “Internet +” Era
  • 第二部分 教学新研究新模式
  • 研究生英语学习需求调查与教学改革实践——以首经贸研究生公共英语教学为例 Survey on Postgraduates’Needs for English Learning and Teaching Reform—Case Study of Postgraduate English Teaching in CUEB
  • “双一流”背景下研究生公共英语校本课程建设——以云南大学为例 Construction of School-based Curriculum for Postgraduate English Teaching at “Double First-class” Universities—Case Study on Yunnan University
  • 融合思政教育的研究生英语翻转课堂 Ideological Education in the English Flipped Classroom for Postgraduate Students
  • Exploration on Blended Teaching Strategy in Postgraduate English Classes
  • 研究生跨文化交际英语学习——动态建构主义者视角 Postgraduate English Learning of Intercultural Communication—Dynamic Constructivist Approach
  • 基于专业方向的研究生英语项目教学法初探 Tentative Study of Postgraduate English Instruction Based on Major-related Projects
  • 《中国英语能力等级量表》在英语教学中的应用 Application of“China’s Standards of English Language Ability”in English Language Teaching
  • 语言测试与《欧洲语言共同参考框架》匹配的可行性研究 Feasibility of Linking Language Tests to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language
  • 关于提取练习的研究综述 Review on Retrieval Practice
  • 中国大学生群体对微信中语码转换的接受度研究 Acceptability of Code-Switching in WeChat among Chinese College Students
  • 思维模式差异对英语写作语篇的影响 Differences Between Chinese and English Thinking Pattern and Its Impact on English Composition Writing
  • 以读促写,以读促思——《研究生英语阅读教程》教学探讨 Improving Writing and Critical Thinking by Reading—Teaching of Postgraduate English Reading
  • Developing Postgraduates’Strategic Reading Competence Through Action Research
  • 翻转任务型教学模式应用于研究生文化选修课的初步尝试 Incorporating the Tasked-based Flipped Classroom in an Cultural Comparison Elective for Non-English-major Postgraduate Students
  • 关于研究生英美文学探究式学习的思考 Application of Inquiry Learning in Postgraduate Literature Course
  • “英语名著与电影”课程词汇教学探究 Probe into Vocabulary Teaching of“English Classics and Films”
  • 英语教学中运用英语原版电影的探索实践与思考 Exploratory Practice and Thinking of English Original Movies in English Teaching
  • 中国非英语专业研究生英语口语语篇意识与能力调查 Survey on the English Oral Discourse Awareness and Ability of Chinese Non-English Postgraduate Students
  • 研究生素质拓展类选修课雅思口语的非标准答案考试改革初探 Reform of Non-standard Answer Test in the Postgraduate Elective Course“IELTS Speaking”
  • 情景教学在外派军事留学生英语培训中的应用 Application of Situational Teaching Method in English Training for Overseas Military Students
  • Effectiveness of Task-based Teaching in English Listening and Speaking of Non-English Postgraduates
  • 新形势下大学英语教学面临的挑战与应对策略 Challenges to College English Teaching in the New Situation and the Tack ling Strategies
  • 第三部分 学术英语研究与教学
  • Hedging Praise in Chinese and English Academic Book Review s
  • 法律英语写作能力发展多模态模式研究 Multimodality Modal for Legal English Writing Skill Development
  • 国内二语学术英语写作研究现状探析 Probe into the Present Situation of Second Language Academic English Writing in China
  • 知识传授方式的比较分析——三种研究生学术英语写作教程比较研究 Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Dissemination Approaches—On Three Academic Writing Textbooks for Postgraduate Students
  • 英语学术论文写作教学与跨文化思维模式培养——以北京林业大学非英语专业研究生英语教学改革为例 Academic English Paper Writing Teaching and Cross-cultural Thinking Mode Cultivation—Case Study of Non-English-major Postgraduate English Teaching Reform in BJFU
  • 工程类研究生论文摘要的主体推进模式研究 Thematic Progression in Writing English Abstracts of Academic Papers by Engineering Postgraduates
  • 理工科大学生学士论文摘要中的背景语步研究 Study on Abstracts’Background Move of Undergraduates’Theses of the Engineering Majors
  • 学术英语写作教学中主题句的能力培养 Cultivating the Ability of Writing Topic Sentences in Academic English Writing Class
  • 以学科内容为依托的研究生学术英语教学实践探索 Practice of Discipline-based Academic English Instruction among Postgraduate Students of Non-English Major
  • “双一流”建设下研究生学术英语口语交际能力创新教学模式研究 Innovative Teaching Model of Postgraduates’Academic Oral English Communicative Competence within China’s Double First-class Project
  • 第四部分 文化、文学、语言研究与教学
  • 视觉文化时代下的中医文化的大众传播——历史漫画《如果历史是一群喵》的启示 Mass Communication of TCM Culture in the Age of Visual Culture—The Inspiration from Comic If History Is a Group of Cats
  • 文化帝国主义时代的文化反省——以北美文学中文化观照为例 Cultural Introspection in an Age of Cultural Imperialism—Case Study of North American Literature
  • 英国对爱尔兰的血腥殖民统治 The History of Ireland 1536—1922:400 Years of Colonization and Rebellions
  • 梦幻与现实——解读萨松的一首反战诗 Fantasy and Reality—An Interpretation of Sassoon’s Anti-war Poems
  • 弗罗斯特抒情诗的叙事性研究 Narratological Analysis of a Lyrical Poem by Robert Frost
  • 文化诗学视域下亨特对济慈形象的建构作用 Role of Hunt in Constructing Keats’s Authorial Image from the Perspective of Cultural Poetics
  • Analysis of Tess and Carrie’s Tragedies from Views of Morality and Money
  • 生态女性主义视域下《进城之路》的另一种解读 Another Interpretation of A Road to the Big City from the Perspective of Ecofeminism
  • 《弗兰肯斯坦》《简·爱》《荒凉山庄》中的生态女性主义意识 Ecofeminist Consciousness in Frankenstein, Jane Eyre and Bleak House
  • 荀子“性恶论”视角下《蝇王》中的象征意象 Symbols in Lord of the Flies on Xunzi’s Account of“Evil of Human Nature”
  • 中美媒体对中国大气环境报道的词汇特征的对比研究——以《新闻周刊》和《中国日报》为例 Contrastive Study of Word Use in China’s Air Quality Reports by Chinese and American Media—In Case of Newsweek and China Daily
  • 汉英商务语篇中动物隐喻对比研究 Comparative Study of ECONOMY-ASANIMAL Metaphors in Chinese and English Business Discourse
  • 普通话与四川话的语言态度研究——基于原籍四川的川内外在校大学生的变语配对实验调查 Language Attitudes of Sichuan—native University Students Towards Sichuan Dialect and Mandarin
  • 中国文化英语课程在本硕教学体系中的建构——以北京林业大学为例 Teaching Chinese Culture in Undergraduate and Postgraduate English Curriculum—Case Study of Beijing Forestry University
  • 大学英语文化教学探析 Teaching Exploration of College English Culture Learning
  • 别害怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫——基于写作者视角的英语批判性阅读教学探索 Do Not Be Afraid of Virginia Woolf —Teaching of Critical English Reading from Writer’s Perspective
  • 第五部分 翻译研究与教学
  • 生态翻译学“领着说”的脉动线路图 Pulsation Roadmap of Eco-translatology’s “Lead-to-Say”
  • 非物质文化遗产英译研究综述 Literature Review on Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • 中国文学作品翻译对策研究 Study on the Translation Strategies of Chinese Literary Works
  • 《晏子春秋》英译评析 Analysis on the English Translation of The Spring and Autumn Annals of Master Yan
  • 试析《圣经》三个概念的中文翻译 Reflections on the Chinese Translations of Three Biblical Concepts
  • 《中华人民共和国专利法》(2008修正)若干法律术语英译探讨 Statistical Analysis of Legal Terms in Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China (amended in 2008)
  • 《中华人民共和国电子商务法》部分译文对比研究 Comparative Analysis on Two Versions of E-commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China
  • 旅游景点解说类公示语的篇章形态与翻译准则 Text Types and Translation Standards of Interpretive Signs
  • 计算机网络安全类英语文本的汉译 Translation of English Texts on Computer Network Security
  • 文言文翻译课堂教学中的虚虚实实 Probe into Approaches to Translating Classical Chinese in Classroom Teaching
  • 翻转课堂模式下非英语专业硕士研究生的翻译教学 Using the Flipped Classroom in Translation Teaching for Non-English Major Postgraduates




