

The perfect gift for aspiring witches and wizards and any Harry Potter fan.


An irresistible romp through the history of magic, from alchemy to unicorns, ancient witchcraft to Harry's Hogwarts - packed with unseen sketches and manuscript pages from J.K.Rowling, magical illustrations from Jim Kay and weird, wonderful and inspiring artefacts that have been magically released from the archives at the British Library.

This spellbinding eBook takes readers on a journey through the Hogwarts curriculum, from Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Divination and more.Discover the truth behind making the Philosopher's Stone, create your very own potion and uncover the secret of invisible ink. Learn all about the history of mandrake roots and dragons, discover what witches really used their brooms for, pore over incredible images of actual mermaids and read about real-life potions and astronomers, alchemists and more.

Celebrating twenty years of Harry Potter magic, and produced in association with the British Library to support their major exhibition, Harry Potter: A History of Magic.Please be aware that this is a fixed format ebook.


  • The Magical World Of Harry Potter
  • The Journey
  • Potions and Alchemy
  • Herbology
  • Charms
  • Astronomy
  • Divination
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts
  • Care of Magical Creatures
  • Past, Present, Future
  • About The British Library Curators
  • About J.K. Rowling
  • Picture Credits


  • 用户头像

    Kettleburn retired to Hogsmeade but was unable, due to his physical infirmities, to take part in the Battle of Hogwarts. Determined to play his part, he clambered into his attic and threw his entire stock of Flobberworms out of the skylight at passing Death Eaters. While this may not have had much effect on the outcome of the battle, it was generally felt to show the right spirit.



    Pottermore Publishing

    Pottermore Publishing 是《哈利·波特》与《神奇动物》系列以及魔法世界其他有声书和电子书的全球数字出版商。该企业与全球电子书和有声书零售商共同合作开发这个由“大难不死的男孩”带来的魔法世界。