








  • 版权信息
  • Translator's Preface
  • 一 写景抒怀
  • 春江花月夜
  • The Moon over the River on a Spring Night
  • 春晓
  • A Spring Morning
  • 晚泊浔阳望庐山
  • Mount Lu Viewed from Xunyang at Dusk
  • 终南望余雪
  • Snow atop the Southern Mountains
  • 青溪
  • The Blue Stream
  • 山居秋暝
  • Autumn Evening In The Mountains
  • 使至塞上
  • On Mission to the Frontier
  • 竹里馆
  • The Bamboo Hut
  • 辛夷坞
  • The Magnolia Dale
  • 蜀道难
  • Hard is the Road to Shu
  • 金陵城西楼月下吟
  • Orally Composed on the Western Tower of Jinling in Moonlight
  • 山中
  • In the Hills
  • 峨眉山月歌
  • The Moon over Mount Brow
  • 清溪行
  • Song of the Clear Stream
  • 望庐山瀑布
  • The Waterfall in Mount Lu Viewed from Afar
  • 日暮
  • After Sunset
  • 春夜喜雨
  • Happy Rain on a Spring Night
  • 江村
  • The Riverside Village
  • 绝句
  • A Quatrain
  • 枫桥夜泊
  • Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night
  • 江南行
  • Song of the Southern Rivershore
  • 春山夜月
  • The Vernal Hill in Moonlit Night
  • 兰溪棹歌
  • A Fisherman's Song on the Orchid Stream
  • 江南曲
  • A Southern Song
  • 巫山曲
  • Song of the Mountain Goddess
  • 城东早春
  • Early Spring East of the Capital
  • 湘江曲
  • Song on River Xiang
  • 春雪
  • Spring Snow
  • 晚春
  • Late Spring
  • 始闻秋风
  • Ode to the Autumn Breeze
  • 钱塘湖春行
  • On Qiantang Lake in Spring
  • 杭州春望
  • Spring View in Hangzhou
  • 暮江吟
  • Sunset and Moonrise on the River
  • 溪居
  • Living by the Brookside
  • 雨后晓行独至愚溪北池
  • The Northern Pool Visited Alone after the Rain at Dawn
  • 雪晴晚望
  • Evening View of a Snow Scene
  • 江南春
  • Spring on the Southern Rivershore
  • 清明
  • The Mourning Day
  • 商山早行
  • Early Departure on Mount Shang
  • 宿骆氏亭寄怀崔雍崔衮
  • For the Cui Brothers at Luo's Pavilion
  • 天涯
  • The End of the Sky
  • 二 咏物寄兴
  • 咏蝉
  • The Cicada
  • 感遇
  • The Orchid
  • 咏风
  • The Breeze
  • 咏柳
  • The Willow
  • 孤雁
  • The Lonely Swan
  • 燕子来舟中作
  • To the Swallow Coming to My Boat
  • 归雁
  • To the North-flying Wild Geese
  • 鸣筝
  • The Golden Zither
  • 隋宫燕
  • Swallows in the Ruined Palace
  • 观祈雨
  • Praying for Rain
  • 望夫石
  • The Woman Waiting for Her Husband
  • 牡丹
  • To the Peony Flower
  • 杨柳枝词
  • Song of Willow Branch
  • 惜牡丹花
  • The Last Look at the Peonies at Night
  • 大林寺桃花
  • Peach Blossoms in the Temple of Great Forest
  • 白云泉
  • White Cloud Fountain
  • 菊花
  • Chrysanthemums
  • 杨生青花紫石砚歌
  • The Violet Inkstand of Master Yang
  • 早雁
  • To the Early Wild Geese
  • 霜月
  • Frost and Moon
  • To the Cicada
  • 落花
  • Falling Flowers
  • To the Willow Tree
  • 鹦鹉
  • To the Parrot
  • 黄河
  • The Yellow River
  • 金钱花
  • To the Coinlike Golden Flower
  • To the Willow
  • To the Bee
  • 白莲
  • White Lotus
  • 题菊花
  • To the Chrisanthemum
  • 菊花
  • The Chrysanthemum
  • To the Cloud
  • 子规
  • To the Cuckoo
  • To the Chrysanthemum
  • 鹧鸪
  • To the Partridges
  • 海棠
  • To the Crabapple Flower
  • 小松
  • The Young Pine
  • 垂柳
  • The Weeping Willow
  • 早梅
  • To the Early Mume Blossoms
  • 三 赠别怀人
  • 于易水送人一绝
  • Farewell on River Yi
  • 留别王维
  • Parting from Wang Wei
  • 送杜少府之任蜀州
  • Farewell to Prefect Du
  • 送别杜审言
  • Farewell to Du Shenyan (Grandfather of Du Fu)
  • 送杜十四之江南
  • Seeing Du Fourteenth off to the East
  • 送刘昱
  • Farewell to Liu Yu
  • 送魏万之京
  • Seeing Wei Wan off to the Capital
  • 送魏二
  • Farewell to Wei the Second
  • 芙蓉楼送辛渐
  • Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower
  • 送别
  • At Parting
  • 送梓州李使君
  • Seeing Li off to Zizhou
  • 送元二使安西
  • Seeing Yuan the Second off to the Northwest Frontier
  • 送秘书晁监还日本国
  • Seeing Secretary Chao Back to Japan
  • 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄
  • To Wang Changling Banished to the West
  • 赠汪伦
  • To Wang Lun
  • 灞陵行送别
  • Farewell at the Old Pavilion
  • 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵
  • Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
  • 鲁郡东石门送杜二甫
  • Farewell to Du Fu at Stone Gate
  • 宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云
  • Farewell to Uncle Yun, Imperial Librarian, at Xie Tiao's Pavilion in Xuancheng
  • 送友人入蜀
  • To a Friend Parting for Shu
  • 别董大
  • Farewell to a Lutist
  • 别韦参军
  • Farewell to Wei, a Military Officer
  • 送灵澈上人
  • Seeing off a Recluse
  • 送严士元
  • Farewell to Yan Shiyuan
  • 悲陈陶
  • Lament on the Defeat at Chentao
  • 春日忆李白
  • Thinking of Li Bai on a Spring Day
  • 轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征
  • Song of Wheel Tower in Farewell to General Feng on His Western Expedition
  • 送李副使赴碛西官军
  • Seeing General Li off to the West
  • 古别离
  • Leave Me Not
  • 再授连州至衡阳酬柳柳州赠别
  • Farewell to Liu Zongyuan in Exile
  • 送友人
  • Farewell to a Friend
  • 赋得古原草送别
  • Grass on the Ancient Plain in Farewell to a Friend
  • 舟中读元九诗
  • Reading Yuan Zhen's Poems in a Boat
  • 酬乐天频梦微之
  • Dream and No Dream
  • 重赠乐天
  • Parting Again with Bai Juyi
  • 寄扬州韩绰判官
  • For Han Chuo, Judge of Yangzhou
  • 宣州送裴坦判官往舒州,时牧欲赴官归京
  • Farewell to Pei Tan, Judge of Xuancheng, upon Going Back to the Capital
  • 别离
  • Parting
  • 送日本国僧敬龙归
  • Farewell to a Japanese Monk
  • 送友游吴越
  • Seeing a Friend off to the South
  • 山中
  • In the Mountains
  • 四 故园乡情
  • 题大庾岭北驿
  • At the Northern Post of the Peak of Mumes
  • 回乡偶书二首
  • Home-coming
  • 渡汉江
  • Crossing River Han
  • 九月九日忆山东兄弟
  • Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-climbing Day
  • 杂诗(其二)
  • Our Native Place (II)
  • 静夜思
  • Thoughts on a Tranquil Night
  • 寄东鲁二稚子
  • For My Two Children in East Lu
  • 春夜洛城闻笛
  • Hearing the Flute on a Spring Night in Luoyang
  • 除夜作
  • Written on New Year's Eve
  • 月夜
  • A Moonlit Night
  • 春望
  • Spring View
  • 羌村三首(其一)
  • Coming Back to Qiang Village (Ⅰ)
  • 月夜忆舍弟
  • Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night
  • 逢入京使
  • On Meeting a Messenger Going to the Capital
  • 行军九日思长安故园
  • Thinking of Home While Marching on Mountain-climbing Day
  • 归雁
  • To the Returning Wild Geese
  • 喜外弟卢纶见宿
  • My Cousin Lu Lun's Visit
  • 夏夜宿表兄话旧
  • Talking with My Cousin One Summer Night
  • 题稚川山水
  • A Scenery like His Homeland
  • 淮上喜会梁川故人
  • Meeting with Friends on River Huai
  • 淮上即事寄广陵亲故
  • For Kinsfolk and Friends at Guangling
  • 寒食寄京师诸弟
  • For My Brothers in the Capital on Cold Food Day
  • 闻雁
  • On Hearing Homing Wild Geese
  • 喜见外弟又言别
  • Meeting and Parting with My Cousin
  • 游子吟
  • Song of the Parting Son
  • 左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘
  • Written for My Grandnephew at the Blue Pass
  • 邯郸冬至夜思家
  • Thinking of Home on Winter Solstice Night at Handan
  • 望驿台
  • For Roaming Yuan Zhen
  • 自河南经乱,关内阻饥,兄弟离散,各在一处。因望月有感,聊书所怀,寄上浮梁大兄、于潜七兄、乌江十五兄,兼示符离及下邽弟妹
  • Thinking of My Brothers and Sisters Scattered Here and There, I Write this Poem for Them by the Light of the Moon
  • 别舍弟宗一
  • Farewell to My Younger Brother
  • 与浩初上人同看山寄京华亲故
  • Rocky Hills Viewed Together with Abbot Haochu
  • 幼女词
  • Song of My Youngest Daughter
  • 望夫词
  • Longing for Her Husband
  • 旅次朔方
  • Farther North
  • 示弟
  • For My Younger Brother
  • 夜雨寄北
  • Written on a Rainy Night to My Wife in the North
  • 正月崇让宅
  • Our Old Abode—Elegy on My Deceased Wife
  • 秋寄从兄贾岛
  • Written in Autumn for My Cousin Jia Dao
  • 骄儿诗
  • Song of My Proud Son





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