- 版权信息
- 前言
- A
- a, an
- A. B.
- abashed
- abbreviate
- abdomen
- abed
- ability
- able
- aboard
- abound
- about
- above
- abreast
- abridge(d)
- abroad
- absence
- absent
- absorbed
- abstain
- abundance
- abundant
- academy
- accede
- accent(ed)
- accept
- acceptation
- accident
- acclaim
- accommodation
- accompany
- accomplishment
- accord
- accordance
- according
- account
- accounting
- accrue(d)
- accuse(d)
- accustom(ed)
- ache
- acknowledge
- acknowledg(e)ment
- acoustics
- acquaint
- acquaintance
- acquaintanceship
- acquire
- acquirement
- acquisition
- across
- act(ion)
- activism
- activist
- activity
- actor
- actually
- AD(或A. D.)
- adapt(ed)
- add
- addendum
- addict
- addition
- address
- adequate
- adjust
- administrate
- administration
- admirable
- admiration
- admire
- admission
- admit
- admittable
- admittance
- admittedly
- admitting
- advance(d)
- advancement
- advantage
- adventure
- (ad)venturesome
- (ad)venturous
- advert
- advertise
- advertisement
- advice
- advisable
- advise
- advisedly
- adviser
- advocate
- aerodrome
- aeroplane
- affair
- affect(ed)
- affectation
- affection
- affectionate
- affirmative(ly)
- afford
- affront(ed)
- afraid
- after
- afternoon
- afterward(s)
- again
- against
- age(d)
- agenda
- agent
- aggression
- aggressive
- ago
- agony
- agree
- agreeable
- agricultur(al)ist
- ahead
- aid
- aid(e)-de-camp
- ail
- aim
- ain't
- air
- aircraft
- aircraft(s)man
- aircraft(s)woman
- airdrome
- airplane
- akin
- alarm
- alert
- alienate
- alight
- alike
- alive
- all
- all-around
- allegation
- allege
- allergic
- alleyway
- allot
- allow
- allowance
- all-round
- allude
- allusion
- almighty
- almost
- alms
- alone
- aloud
- alphabet
- Alps
- already
- alright
- also
- alternate(ly)
- alternative(ly)
- although
- altogether
- alumin(i)um
- alumnus
- always
- am
- a.m.(有时作A.M.)
- AM
- amaze(d)
- ambassador
- ambition
- ambitious
- ameliorate
- amends
- amenity
- America(n)
- amid(st)
- ammunition
- among(st)
- amorous
- amount
- ample
- amuse(ment)
- ancient
- and
- anecdote
- angle
- Anglican
- angry
- annals
- announce
- annoy(ed)
- another
- answer
- an't
- anticipate
- anxiety
- anxious
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anywhere
- apartheid
- apartment
- apologize
- apology
- apparatus
- apparel
- apparent(ly)
- appeal
- appear
- appearance
- append
- appendix
- apply
- appointment
- appreciate
- appreciation
- appreciative
- apprehend
- apprentice(ship)
- apprise
- approval
- approve
- approximate
- April
- apt
- aptitude
- Arab
- Arabian
- Arabic
- arbiter
- arbor
- archipelago
- aren't
- Argentine
- arise
- arithmetic
- arm
- armament
- armful
- Armistice
- army
- around
- arouse
- arrange
- arrangement
- arrear
- arrest
- arrive(d)
- art
- artist
- artiste
- as
- ascertain
- ash
- ashamed
- ash(es)
- Asian
- Asiatic
- aside
- ask
- asleep
- aspiration
- aspire
- aspirin
- ass
- assassinate
- assemble
- asset(s)
- assign(ment)
- assist
- associate
- assume
- assurance
- assure
- astonish(ed)
- astound
- at
- athletics
- Atlantic
- attach
- attain
- attainment
- attempt
- attend
- attention
- attic
- attire
- attitude
- attract
- auction
- audience
- aught
- aunt
- author
- authoress
- authority
- auto
- automatic
- automa(tiza)tion
- automobile
- autumn
- avail
- available
- avenge
- avenue
- average
- averse
- aversion
- aviatress
- aviatrice
- aviatrix
- avoid
- await
- awake
- awaken
- awakening
- award
- aware
- away
- awful(ly)
- B
- babe
- baby
- bachelor
- back
- backwards
- bad(ly)
- bagful
- baggage
- bail
- bake
- balance
- bale
- Balkans
- ball
- ballet
- ballistics
- bandit
- bank
- barbarian
- barbaric
- barbarism
- barbarity
- barbarous
- barbarousness
- barefoot(ed)
- bargain
- barn
- baron
- barracks
- base
- base(-)ball
- Basic
- basis
- basket-ball(或basketball,或basket ball)
- basketful
- bath
- bathe
- battle
- battle(-)field
- BC(或B. C.)
- be(兼指am,is,are,was等)
- bean
- bear
- beard
- bearer
- beat
- beautiful
- beauty
- because
- beckon
- become
- bed
- bedchamber
- bed-clothes
- bed(-)side
- bedtime
- been
- beer
- before
- beg
- beggar
- begin
- beginner
- beginning
- begrudge
- behalf
- behave
- behaviour
- behind
- being
- belief
- believe
- believer
- bellows
- belly
- belong
- beloved
- below
- beneath
- benefit
- bent
- bereave
- beset
- beside(s)
- best
- betray
- betroth
- better
- between
- beverage
- bewail
- beware
- bewilder(ed)
- Bible
- bicycle
- bid
- big
- bill
- billiard(s)
- billion
- binding
- biographer
- birth
- birthday
- biscuit
- bit
- bitter(ly)
- black(en)
- blame
- blank
- blend
- blessed
- blessing
- blest
- blind
- bliss
- block
- blood
- bloom
- blossom
- blown
- blue
- board
- boast
- boat
- body
- body(-)guard
- boil(ing)
- book
- book(-)maker
- book(-)making
- bookshelf
- bookworm
- boon
- boot(s)
- bore(d)
- born(e)
- borrow
- botanic(al)
- both
- bother
- bound
- bourgeois(e)
- bourgeoisie
- boxful
- Boxing-day(或Boxing Day)
- boy
- boycott
- boyhood
- brain
- brand
- brandy
- bread
- break
- breakfast
- breath(e)
- breeze
- brethren
- bribe(ry)
- brick
- bridesman
- bring
- bristle
- Britain
- Britannia
- Britannic
- Britannica
- Briticism
- Britisher
- Briton
- broad
- broadcast
- broadness
- Bronx
- brother
- brother-in-law
- brush
- Buckingham Palace
- Buddha
- buffalo
- buffet
- bug
- build
- building
- bureau
- burglar
- burst
- bus
- business
- busy
- busybody
- but
- buttock(s)
- buy
- by
- C
- cabbage
- cabin
- cadre
- café
- cake
- calculate
- calculus
- calico
- call
- camp
- campus
- can
- canal
- cancer
- candidacy
- candidate
- candidly
- candy
- cannon
- cannot
- capable
- capacity
- capital
- capitalist(ic)
- Capitol
- capturer
- car
- card
- care
- career
- careful
- careless
- Carolina
- carpet
- carry
- case
- cash
- casket
- cast
- casualty
- cat
- catalogue
- catch
- cater
- Catholic
- cattle
- Caucasus
- cause
- cease
- celebrate
- celebration
- century
- ceremony
- certain
- certificate
- certify
- chair
- chairman
- chalk
- chamber
- chance
- change
- changeable
- changeful
- channel
- chap
- character
- characteristic
- charge
- charm
- chase
- chat
- chattel
- cheat
- check
- cheer
- cheerful
- cheering
- cheerio
- cheery
- cheese
- cheque
- chicken
- chilblain
- child
- childish
- childlike
- chill
- chilling
- chilly
- china, China
- Chinaman
- Chinatown
- chit-book(或chit book)
- chocolate
- choice
- choose
- Christ
- Christendom
- Christian
- Christmas
- chronically
- church
- cinema
- circle
- circulate
- circumstance
- circus
- citizen
- city
- civilization
- clad
- claim
- clap
- class
- class(-)fellow
- classic
- classical
- class(-)mate
- clean(ly)
- clench
- clergy
- clerk
- climate
- clinch
- clip(ping)
- close
- cloth
- clothe
- clothes
- clothing
- cloud
- Co.
- coal
- coat
- C. O. D.
- co(-)ed
- coffee
- coin
- cold(ness)
- colleague
- collect
- college
- colloquialism
- colonial
- colon(ial)ist
- colour
- colt
- combine
- come
- comedy
- comic(al)
- coming
- command
- commence
- commencement
- comment
- commentator
- commerce
- commission
- commit
- committee
- common
- commonly
- commonwealth
- communicate
- communication
- communist(ic)
- community
- compact
- company
- comparable
- comparatively
- compare
- compass(es)
- compensate
- competence
- competency
- competent
- complain
- complex
- complicate(d)
- compliment
- composition
- comprise
- conceal(ment)
- concede
- conceivable
- conceive
- concept(ion)
- concern(ed)
- conciseness
- concision
- conclude
- conclusion
- condense(d)
- condescend(ing)
- condescension
- condition
- condole
- condolence
- conduct
- conference
- confess
- confide
- confidence
- confident
- confidential
- confiding
- confine
- conform
- confront
- congratulate
- congratulation
- congress
- conqueror
- conquest
- conscience
- conscious
- consent
- consequence
- consequential
- consider
- considerable
- considerate
- consideration
- considering
- consist
- constantly
- construction(al)
- consult
- consumer
- consummate
- contact
- contagion
- contagious
- contemn
- contemplate
- contemptible
- contemptuous
- content
- contented
- contentedness
- contentment
- contentness
- continent
- continual
- continually
- continuance
- continuation
- continue
- continued
- continuity
- continuous
- contraband
- contradict
- contradiction
- contradistinction
- contrary
- contrast
- contribute
- contrive
- control
- convenience
- convenient
- conversation
- conversation(al)ist
- converse
- convict
- convince
- cook
- cook(ery)-book
- cool
- co(-)operate
- co(-)operation
- copy
- copy(-)book
- copyright
- cordially
- corn
- corner
- correct
- correction
- correctness
- correspond
- correspondence
- correspondent
- cost
- cottage
- cotton
- cough
- could
- counsel
- count
- countenance
- counting-house(或countinghouse,或counting house)
- counting-room(或counting room)
- country
- country-house(或country house)
- countryman
- countryside
- county
- couple
- courage
- course
- court
- courtesan
- courtesy
- court-martial
- cousin
- cover
- cow
- coward(ly)
- cow(-)boy
- cracker
- craft
- crash
- crazy
- creator
- creature
- creche
- credence
- credentials
- credible
- credit
- creditable
- crew
- crime
- Crimea
- crisis
- crisp
- critical
- criticism
- criticize
- crop
- cross
- cross(-)roads
- cry
- cult
- culture
- cunning
- cup
- cupful
- cure
- curio(sity)
- curious
- custom
- custom(-)house(或customs-house,或customs house)
- cut(ting)
- cycler
- D
- Dairen
- Dakota
- Dalai
- damage
- damn
- dance
- danger
- dangerous(ly)
- Dardanelles
- dare
- Darien
- dark(ness)
- darling
- data
- date
- datum
- dawn
- day
- daydream
- daylight
- day(-)time
- D Day(或D day,或D-day)
- dead(ly)
- deaf
- deal
- dear(ly)
- death
- death(-)bed
- debit
- debt
- decade
- deceased
- deceive
- December
- decide(d)
- decision
- decisive
- declare
- declination
- decline
- decoration
- decrease
- dedicate
- deduce
- deduct
- deem
- deep(ly)
- deer
- defeat
- defect
- defend
- defer
- definite
- definitive
- degree
- deject(ed)
- delay
- delectable
- delegate
- delegation
- deliberative
- delight(ed)
- delightful
- delinquent
- demand
- democracy
- democrat(ic)
- denial
- deny
- depart(ed)
- department
- departure
- depend
- dependant
- dependent
- depict
- deprec(i)ate
- deprive
- deputation
- derelict
- derive
- descend(ed)
- descent
- describe
- descriptive
- desert
- deserve
- deserving
- design
- desirable
- desire
- desirous
- desist
- despair
- despatch
- desperate
- despicable
- despite
- dessert
- detail
- determination
- determine(d)
- devastating(ly)
- develop
- device
- devil
- devote
- dew
- dialect
- dialectal
- dialectic(al)
- dialectics
- diamond
- diary
- dictate
- dictation
- diction
- dictionary
- did
- die
- differ
- different
- differently
- difficult
- difficultly
- difficulty
- diligent(ly)
- dine
- dinner
- diploma
- diplomat(ist)
- direct
- direction
- directive
- directly
- directory
- dirt
- disagree
- disappear
- disappoint(ed)
- disapprove
- disarmament
- disaster
- disc
- disconcert(ed)
- disconsolate
- discontent(ed)
- discontentedness
- discontentment
- discontentness
- discontinue
- discount
- discourage
- discover
- discriminate
- discuss
- discussion
- disease
- disfavour
- disgrace
- disgraceful
- disguise(d)
- disgust(ed)
- disgustful
- disillusion
- disillusionize
- disinclination
- disincline
- disinterested
- disk
- dislike
- dispatch
- displace
- disposal
- dispose
- disposed
- disposition
- disqualify
- disregard
- dissatisfactory
- dissatisfied
- dissemble
- disservice
- dissimilar
- dissimulate
- dissuade
- distance
- distaste(ful)
- distinct(ive)(ly)
- distinguish(ed)
- distress(ed)
- distribute
- district
- distrust
- distrustful
- divers(e)
- divine
- divinity
- divorce
- do
- doctor
- doctrine
- document
- doff
- dog
- dollar
- dominate
- don
- donate
- donation
- done
- donkey
- doomsday
- door
- dormitory
- double
- doubt
- doubtful
- doubtless
- down
- downstair(s)
- down(-)town
- dozen
- Dr
- draft
- drama
- draught
- draw
- dread
- dream
- drear(y)
- dress
- dress-goods
- dress(-)maker
- dress(-)making
- drink
- drive
- drop
- drouth
- drown
- drudgery
- drug
- druggist
- drug(-)store
- drunk(en)
- dry
- duck
- due
- dumb
- duplicate
- dusk(y)
- dust
- Dutch(man)
- duteous
- duty
- dwell
- dwelling
- dying
- dynamic(al)
- dynasty
- E
- each
- eager
- eagerness
- ear
- early
- earn
- earnest
- ear(-)shot
- earthy
- ease
- easily
- east
- Easter
- easterly
- eastern
- easy
- eat
- eatable
- eave(s)
- economic(al)
- economics
- economy
- edible
- edit
- edition
- editor
- editorial
- educate
- education(al)
- education(al)ist
- effect
- effective
- effectual
- efficacious
- efficient
- effort
- e. g.
- egg
- ego(t)ism
- ego(t)ist(ic)
- eight
- eighty
- either
- eke
- elapse
- elder
- elderly
- eldest
- elect
- elective
- electric(al)
- element
- elevator
- eloquent
- else
- embarrass(ed)
- embrace
- embroider
- emergence
- emergency
- eminent
- emotion
- emperor
- emphasis
- emphasize
- emphatic
- employ(ment)
- empress
- enable
- enclose
- encyclop(a)edia
- end
- endear
- endeavour
- endorse
- endure
- enemy
- energy
- enforce
- engage
- engagement
- England
- English
- Englishman
- Englishwoman
- enjoin
- enjoy
- enormity
- enough
- enquire
- enquiry
- enrol(l)
- ensure
- enter
- entertain
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- entire
- entitle
- entrance
- entrust
- envelope
- envious
- environment
- envy
- equal
- equally
- equinox
- equip
- equipment
- equivalent
- errand
- error
- escape(d)
- (e)special(ly)
- Esq
- essay
- essential
- establish
- esteem
- estimation
- estrange
- etc.
- ethic(s)
- evacuate
- evade
- even
- evening
- event
- ever
- everlastingly
- every
- everybody
- everyday
- everyone
- everything
- everywhere
- evidence
- evil
- exaggerate
- examination
- examine
- exasperate(d)
- exceedingly
- excel
- excellent
- except
- excepting
- exception
- exceptionable
- exceptional
- excessively
- exchange
- excite(d)
- exclamation
- exclusive
- excuse
- exercise
- exhibit(ion)
- exist
- expect
- expectancy
- expectation
- expend
- expenditure
- expense
- expensive
- experience(d)
- experiment(ation)
- expert
- explain
- exploit
- express
- extend(ed)
- extent
- extraction
- eye
- eye(-)glass(es)
- F
- face
- facilitate
- fact
- faculty
- fail
- failing
- failure
- fair(ly)
- fairy
- fairyland
- fairy-tale(或fairy tale)
- faith
- faithfully
- fall(en)
- fame
- familiar
- family
- famous
- fanatic(al)
- fancy
- far
- fare
- farewell
- farm
- farther
- fashion
- fast
- fat
- fate
- fatherland
- fault
- favour
- favourable
- fear
- fearful
- feast
- feature
- February
- feed
- feel
- feeling
- felicitate
- fellow
- female
- feminine
- fetch
- few
- fiancé(e)
- fiction
- fictional
- fictionalize(d)
- fictitious
- field
- fifty
- fight
- fighter
- figure
- file
- fill
- film
- finance
- financial
- find
- fine
- finger
- finish
- fire
- firm
- first(ly)
- fish
- fisher(man)
- fit(ting)
- fix
- flag
- flatter
- flee
- fleece
- flight
- fling
- flood
- floor
- floorwalker
- fluid
- flunk
- fly
- foe
- fog
- folk
- folk(-)lore
- follow(ing)
- folly
- fond
- fondness
- food
- food(-)stuff
- fool
- foolish
- foolscap
- foot
- football
- for
- forbear
- forbid(den)
- forceful
- forecast
- foreign
- forenoon
- forever
- foreword
- forget
- forgetful
- forgive
- forgo
- form
- former
- formerly
- formula
- forth
- forthcoming
- fortnight
- fortunate
- fortunately
- fortune
- fortune-teller
- fortune-telling
- forty
- forward(s)
- foundation
- fowl
- frankly
- fraternity
- free
- freight
- French
- Frenchman
- freshman
- Friday
- friend
- friendly
- friendship
- frighten(ed)
- from
- front
- frost
- fruit
- fuel
- -ful
- full
- fume
- fun
- function
- funer(e)al
- furlough
- furnish
- furnishings
- furniture
- further
- future
- G
- gain
- gainsay
- gait
- gallop
- game
- gang(ster)
- gaol(er)
- garden
- garret
- gas
- gasolene(或gasoline)
- gate
- gather
- gender
- general
- generally
- Geneva
- genius
- genteel
- gentleman
- gentlemanlike
- gentlewoman
- geographic(al)
- geometric(al)
- German
- get
- gift
- girl
- give
- glad
- gladly
- glamo(u)r(ous)
- glance
- glass
- glassful
- glimpse
- go
- Gobi
- god
- gold(en)
- gone
- good
- good-by(e)
- goodness
- goods
- got(ten)
- government
- grade
- graduate
- graduation
- grain
- grammar
- grammarian
- grammatic(al)
- gramophone
- grant
- grasp
- grass
- grassland
- grateful
- gratitude
- grave
- gray
- great
- Grecian
- Greenwich
- grey
- gridiron
- grievous
- grind
- groom
- ground
- grow(n)
- grudge
- grumble
- guarantee
- guarantor
- guaranty
- guess
- guide
- guide(-)book
- guilt
- guilty
- gun(man)
- H
- haberdasher(y)
- habit
- had
- Hague
- hair
- half
- hall
- hallway
- halt
- ham
- hand
- handful
- handshake
- hang
- happen
- happily
- happiness
- happy
- harbour
- hard
- hardly
- harm
- haste
- hasten
- hate
- hateful
- hatred
- have
- hazy
- he
- head
- headache
- headquarters
- health
- healthful
- healthy
- heap
- hear(d)
- heart
- heaven
- heavily
- hedge(row)
- heed
- height
- heir(ess)
- hell
- hello
- help
- helpless
- hence
- henceforth
- henceforward(s)
- here
- hereby
- herewith
- hesitancy
- hesitant
- hesitate
- hesitation
- high(ly)
- highness
- highway
- hill
- Himalaya(s)
- hinder
- hint
- historic(al)
- history
- hither
- hobby
- hog
- hold
- hole
- holiday
- holy
- home
- homesick
- homework
- honestly
- honeymoon
- honour
- hope
- horrify
- horse-race
- horse-racing
- hospital
- hostility
- hot
- hotel
- hour
- house
- household
- householder
- housekeeper
- housemaster
- house(-)room
- how
- hullo
- human
- humanity
- humour
- hundred
- hundredweight
- hunt(ed)
- hunter
- hurry
- hurt
- husband
- hypothetic(al)
- hysteric(al)
- I
- I
- ice
- ice(-)box
- icily
- -ics
- icy
- idea
- idealist(ic)
- identic(al)
- identification
- identity
- ideology
- idiom
- idiomatic(al)
- i. e.
- if
- ignorant
- ill
- illegal
- illiterate
- illustrative
- imaginable
- imaginary
- imagination
- imaginative
- imagine
- immediately
- impact
- impatience
- impatient
- imperative
- imperialist(ic)
- implement
- important
- impossibility
- impossible
- impractical
- impress
- impressible
- impression
- impressionable
- imprison
- improbable
- improve
- improvement
- impulse
- in
- inability
- inadequate
- inadvisable
- incapable
- incapacity
- incentive
- -in-chief
- incident
- incidental
- incidentally
- incline
- inclose
- include
- income
- incomplete
- incredible
- indebted
- independence
- independent(ly)
- index
- indication
- Indies
- indifferent
- indignant
- indignation
- individual
- indorse
- induce
- industry
- infamous
- infant
- infection
- infectious
- infer
- influence
- inform
- information
- informational
- informative
- informer
- infrequent
- infringe
- injury
- ink
- -in-law
- innovation
- inquire
- inquiry
- inscription
- inside
- insist
- instal(l)ment
- instance
- instant(ly)
- instantaneous(ly)
- instead
- instinct
- institute
- institution
- instruct
- instruction
- instructional
- instructive
- instructor
- insurance
- insure
- intellect
- intellectual
- intelligence
- intelligent
- intelligentsia
- intend
- intense
- intensive
- intent
- intention
- interchange
- interest
- interested
- interfere
- interject
- interval
- interview
- inter-war
- into
- introduce
- introduction
- intrust
- invade
- invaluable
- invent
- inventory
- invitation
- invite
- Irish
- Irishman
- irritate(d)
- is
- island
- issue
- -ist(ic)
- it
- italic(s)
- it's
- itself
- ivory
- J
- jade
- jail(er)
- January
- jealous
- jeer
- job
- join
- joy
- joyous
- jr
- judge
- judg(e)ment
- July
- jump
- June
- junior
- just
- justice
- K
- keen
- keenness
- keep
- kid
- kidney
- kill
- kin
- kind
- kindergarten
- kindly
- kindness
- kiss
- knock
- know
- knowledge
- known
- Koran
- Kremlin
- L
- labour
- lack(ing)
- lady
- lake
- lament
- land
- landlord
- landscaper
- landscapist
- landslide
- lane
- language
- lap
- large
- last(ly)
- late(ly)
- later
- latest
- latter
- latterly
- laugh(ter)
- law
- lay
- lazybones
- leading
- leap
- learn
- learning
- least
- leave
- lecture
- lecturer
- lecture(r)ship
- left
- legend
- legion
- leisure(d)
- length
- less
- lesson
- lest
- let
- letter
- letter-paper(或letter paper)
- level
- liable
- liberation
- liberty
- lie
- life
- lifetime
- like
- likely
- limit(ed)
- line
- linguist
- lion
- lipstick
- list
- listen
- literacy
- literature
- little
- live
- livelihood
- live(-)stock
- living
- loan
- locate
- lodging
- lone
- lonely
- lonesome
- long(er)
- long(ing)
- look
- looker-on
- lore
- lose
- loss
- lost
- lot
- loud(ly)
- lovable
- love
- lovely
- lover
- low(ly)
- luck
- lucky
- luggage
- lunch
- lung
- luxurious
- luxury
- lynch
- M
- macaroni
- mad
- madam(e)
- Magna C(h)arta
- magnet
- maid(en)
- maid(-)servant
- major
- majority
- make
- making
- male
- man
- manage
- management
- mandarin
- mankind
- manner
- man(-)servant
- manual
- manufacture
- manuscript
- many
- march
- March
- mark
- market
- marriage
- marriageable
- married
- marry(ing)
- martial
- marvellous
- masculine
- mass
- massage
- master
- mastery
- masticate
- mate
- material
- materialist(ic)
- materialize
- mathematics
- matter
- Matterhorn
- may
- May
- maybe
- me
- meal
- mean
- meaning
- means
- meantime
- meanwhile
- measles
- measurably
- measure
- meat
- medic(in)al
- medicine
- medicine-man(或medicine man)
- mediocre
- meditate
- meet
- meeting
- melted
- member
- membership
- memorial
- memor(ial)ize
- memory
- menace
- mentality
- mention
- merchandise
- merchant
- mercy
- merit
- Messrs
- metal
- method
- metropolis
- mid
- midday
- middle
- midnight
- midst
- might
- milk
- million
- mincemeat
- mind
- minister
- minority
- minute
- misbehaviour
- miscarry
- misconduct
- misery
- misfortune
- misplace
- misprint
- miss(ing)
- mission
- mis-spell
- mistake(n)
- mister
- mistreat(ment)
- mistress
- mistrust
- mistrustful
- misunderstand
- modern
- molten
- moment
- Monday
- money
- monk
- monopoly
- monster
- month
- monument
- moon
- moral
- more
- morning
- most(ly)
- moth
- mother
- motherland
- mother-of-pearl
- motion
- motivate
- motivation
- motive
- mountain
- mourn
- mouse
- mouth
- mouthful
- move(d)
- movie(s)
- moving
- mow(n)
- Mr
- Mrs
- much
- mucilage
- mule
- multiplicity
- mumps
- munition
- murder
- muscle
- museum
- music
- music-hall(或music hall)
- must
- mutual(ly)
- myriad
- myself
- mystery
- mythology
- N
- name
- namely
- namesake
- narration
- narrative
- nationality
- nationalize
- native
- natural
- naturalize
- naturally
- nature
- naval
- navy
- near
- near-by
- nearby
- nearly
- necessarily
- necessary
- necessity
- née(或nee)
- need
- needless
- needs
- negative(ly)
- neglect
- neglectful
- negligence
- negligent
- negotiation
- neighbour
- neighbourhood
- neither
- net
- Netherlands
- Never
- nevertheless
- new
- news
- newspaper
- news(-)reel(或news reel)
- new-year's
- New York
- next
- nice
- niggard(ly)
- night
- night(-)time
- no
- nobleman
- nobody
- nod(ding)
- noise
- nominal
- non-availability
- none
- nonsense
- nonetheless
- noodle
- noon
- no-one
- nor
- normal
- normalcy
- north
- northerly
- northern
- not
- note
- note(-)paper
- nothing
- notice
- notify
- notion
- notwithstanding
- novel
- November
- now
- nowhere
- number
- numerous
- nun
- nurse
- O
- O
- oath
- obedient(ly)
- object
- objection
- objective
- obligate
- obligation
- oblige(d)
- oblivious
- observation
- observe
- obstacle
- obtain
- obtainable
- occasion
- occasional(ly)
- occupancy
- occupation
- occur
- ocean
- o'clock
- October
- odd
- of
- off
- offend(ed)
- offer
- office
- office-boy
- officer
- official
- offspring
- often
- oftentimes
- oh
- OK
- old
- omission
- omit
- omnibus
- on
- once
- one
- oneself
- onlooker
- only
- onto
- open
- operate
- operation
- opinion
- opportunity
- oppose(d)
- opposite
- or
- oral(ly)
- order
- origin
- ostensible
- ostentatious
- other
- ought
- our
- out
- outcome
- outdoor(s)
- outline
- outlook
- out-of-door(s)
- output
- outset
- outside
- outskirt(s)
- over
- over(-)all
- overemphasize
- overestimate
- overhear(d)
- overnight
- oversea(s)
- oversleep
- owe
- owing
- own
- P
- pact
- pain(ed)
- painful
- pair
- pajamas
- Pancha Shila
- panel
- pang
- panic
- pants
- paper
- paradise
- paraphrase
- pardon
- parent
- parentage
- parenthesis
- park
- parliament
- parlo(u)r
- parrot
- part
- partake
- partially
- particular
- particularly
- partly
- party
- pass
- passage
- passer-by
- past
- patent
- patient
- patron
- patronage
- patronize
- patronizing
- pavement
- pay
- peace
- peaceable
- peaceful
- pearl
- peasant
- peasantry
- peek
- pen
- penalty
- pence
- pencil
- pending
- penetrate
- peninsula
- penny
- pen-point(或pen point)
- pentagon
- pent(-)house
- people
- per
- perceive
- percent
- percentage
- perfect
- period
- permanence
- permanency
- permission
- permit
- perpetually
- perplex(ed)
- perseverant
- persevere
- persist
- persistence
- persistency
- person
- personal
- personality
- personally
- personify
- personnel
- perspective
- perspiration
- perspire
- persuade
- perturb
- perusal
- peruse
- Philippine(s)
- phonetics
- phonograph
- photograph
- physician
- physics
- pick
- picnic
- picture
- pidgin
- piece
- pig
- pigeon
- pigtail
- pincer(s)
- piteous
- pitiable
- pitiful
- pity
- place
- plan
- planet
- plant
- plate
- play
- playground
- plead
- pleasant
- please(d)
- pleasure
- plenty
- plump
- plus
- pm(有时作PM)
- pocket(-)book
- poem
- poet
- poetess
- poetic(al)
- poetry
- point
- poker
- police
- police-officer(或police officer)
- policy
- polite
- politic(al)
- politic(al)ly
- politician
- politics
- pond
- ponder
- pony
- poor
- poorness
- porcelain
- porch
- port
- Portuguese
- position
- positive
- possess(ed)
- possession
- possibility
- possible
- possibly
- post
- postal
- postcard(或post card或post-card)
- posterior(s)
- posterity
- postmark
- postponeZ
- postscript
- potato
- poultry
- pound
- pour
- poverty
- power
- powerful
- powerless
- practicable
- practical
- practically
- practice
- practise
- praise
- pray
- precaution
- preface
- prefer
- preferable
- prejudice(d)
- preliminary
- premier
- premises
- preoccupy
- preparation
- preparatory
- prepare(d)
- prescribe
- presence
- present
- presently
- president
- press
- pressure
- presume
- presuppose
- pretence
- pretend
- pretension
- pretext
- prevail
- prevailing
- prevalent
- prevent
- preven(ta)tive
- previous(ly)
- pre(-)war
- prey
- price
- pride
- prime
- principal
- principle
- print(er)
- prior
- prison
- prisoner
- private
- privation
- probability
- probable
- probably
- probe
- problem
- procedure
- proceed
- process
- proclaim
- procure
- produce
- producer
- product
- production
- productive
- productivity
- profess
- profession
- professor
- profit
- progress
- progressive
- prohibit
- promise
- promote
- pronounce
- proof
- propaganda
- propensity
- proper
- property
- prophecy
- prophesy
- proportion
- proportionable
- proportional
- proportionate
- proposal
- propose
- proposition
- prose
- prospect
- protect
- protest
- protocol
- proud
- prove
- provide(d)
- providence
- provident(ial)
- providing
- province
- proximo
- prudent(ial)
- psychology
- public
- publication
- publish(er)
- Punch
- punish
- Punjab
- pupil
- purchase
- purport
- purpose
- pursuance
- pursuant
- pursue
- put
- puzzle(d)
- puzzling
- pyjamas
- Q
- qualification
- qualified
- qualify
- quality
- quantity
- quarter
- queen
- question
- quick(ly)
- quietly
- quit
- quite
- quiz
- quotation
- quote
- R
- race
- radio
- railroad
- railway
- rain
- raise
- range
- rank
- rare(ly)
- rate
- rather
- raw
- re
- reach
- reaction
- read
- reader
- readiness
- ready
- reason
- recall
- receipt
- receive
- recent(ly)
- recitation
- recite
- reckon
- recognize
- recollect
- recommend
- recommendation
- reconcile
- reconsider
- reconstruction
- record(ing)
- recourse
- recover
- recreation
- red
- reduce
- refer
- reference
- referendum
- referring
- reform(ation)
- refrain
- refreshment
- refund(ment)
- refusal
- refuse
- regard
- regarding
- regardless(ly)
- register
- registry
- regret
- regretful
- regrettable
- reinforcement
- reject
- rejoice(d)
- relate
- relation(ship)
- relative
- religion
- reluctance
- reluctant
- rely
- remain
- remains
- remark
- remarkable
- remarry
- remind
- reminiscence
- reminiscent
- remittance
- remove
- render
- rendition
- rent(al)
- renter
- repair
- repa(i)rable
- reparation
- repay
- repeat
- repellent
- repent
- replace
- reply
- report
- reportage
- reporter
- represent
- representation
- representative
- reprint
- reproach
- reprove
- repugnance
- repulsive
- reputation
- repute
- request
- require(d)
- requirement
- requisite
- rescue
- research
- resemble
- resent
- reservation
- reserve
- reside
- residence
- resign(ed)
- resist
- resistance
- resolution
- resolve(d)
- resort
- resource
- respect
- respectable(-ly)
- respectful(ly)
- respond
- response
- responsibility
- responsible
- rest
- restore
- result
- resume
- retail
- retire(d)
- retreat
- return(ed)
- Rev.
- revealing
- revelation
- revenge
- reverend
- reverse
- review
- revise(d)
- revolt(ed)
- revolution
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
- reward(ing)
- rhetoric
- rhetorical
- rhetorician
- Rhineland
- rice
- riches
- ride
- right(ly)
- rise(n)
- risk
- river
- Riviera
- road
- roast
- rob
- robbery
- rock
- role
- rolling
- romance
- room
- roomer
- rooming
- room(-)mate
- rooster
- round
- row(-)boat
- rowing-boat
- rubber
- rule(r)
- rumour
- run
- S
- 's
- sacrifice
- safe
- Sahara
- said
- sail
- sail(-)boat
- sailer
- sailing
- sailing-boat(或sailing boat)
- sailor
- sake
- sale
- saleslady
- salesman
- salespeople
- saloon
- saloon-keeper
- salute
- same
- sanatarium
- sanatorium
- sanatory
- sanitarium
- sanitary
- sanitorium
- satisfaction
- satisfactory
- satisfy
- Saturday
- sausage
- save
- saving
- savings
- saw
- say
- scandalize(d)
- scant(y)
- scarce(ly)
- scare(d)
- scene(ry)
- schedule
- scholar
- scholarship
- school
- school(-)fellow
- schoolman
- school(-)mate
- science
- scissors
- scold
- score
- scorn
- Scot
- Scotch
- Scotch(wo)man
- Scotland
- Scots
- Scots(wo)man
- Scottish
- scripture
- scruple
- sea
- seal
- search
- seaside
- season
- seat(ed)
- second
- second(-)hand
- secret
- secretary
- secure
- see
- seed
- seek
- seem
- seesaw
- seize
- seldom
- select
- selection
- self
- -self
- selfish
- self-seeking
- self-study
- sell
- send
- senior
- sense
- sensibility
- sensible
- sensitive
- sensitiveness
- sensitivity
- sensual
- sensuous
- sentiment
- sentimental
- sentimentality
- September
- sequence
- series
- seriously
- serpent
- servant
- service
- session
- set
- settle
- seventy
- several
- sex(ual)
- shade
- shadow
- shake
- shall
- shame
- shameful
- shameless
- shan't
- shape
- share
- sheep
- shew
- shilling
- shine
- ship
- shipment
- shock(ed)
- shoot
- shop
- shopman
- shore
- short
- shortly
- shot
- should
- shoulder
- shout
- show
- shower
- shut
- shy
- sic
- sick(ly)
- side
- side(-)walk
- sight
- sign
- signature
- silence
- silent
- silk(en)
- silver(y)
- similar(ity)
- simple
- simply
- simulate
- since
- sincerely
- sink
- sir
- sister
- sister-in-law
- sit
- sitting
- situate(d)
- situation
- sixpence
- sixty
- size
- skill
- skilled
- skil(l)ful
- sky
- slang
- slangism
- slangy
- slant
- slap
- slash
- slay(er)
- sleep
- sleeper
- slim
- slip
- slow(ly)
- slum
- slumber
- small
- smallpox
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- snatch
- so
- soap
- sob(bing)
- so-called
- socia(b)l(e)
- socialist(ic)
- society
- sofa
- soil
- soldier
- solicitor
- solution
- some
- somebody
- someday
- someone
- something
- some(-)time
- sometime(s)
- somewhere
- soon(er)
- sophomore
- sorrow
- sorrowful
- sorry
- sort
- S(o)udan
- sound(ly)
- soup
- source
- south
- southerly
- southern
- space
- spaghetti
- Spanish
- spare
- speak
- special
- specialist
- speciality
- specialize
- specially
- specialty
- specie(s)
- spectacles
- speech
- speed
- spell
- spend
- spin
- spine
- spirit
- spit
- spite
- splendid
- spokes(wo)man
- sponge
- spoonful
- sport
- sporting
- sports(wo)man
- spot
- spring
- square
- staff
- stair
- staircase
- stairway
- stamp
- stand
- standard
- standpoint
- start
- startle(d)
- state
- stated(ly)
- states(wo)man
- station
- stationery
- statist
- statistic
- statistics
- statue
- stature
- stay
- steal
- stenographer
- stenotypist
- step
- still
- stimulant
- stimulus
- stipulate(d)
- stock
- stock(-)holder
- stock(-)jobber
- stock-jobbing
- stomach
- stone
- stony
- stoop
- stop
- store
- stor(e)y
- straight(ly)
- strange
- stranger
- straw
- street
- strength
- stress
- strike
- stripe
- struggle
- stub
- student
- study
- style
- subject
- submit
- subscribe
- subscription
- subsequent
- substantial(ly)
- substitute
- substitution
- subtract
- suburb
- suburban
- subway
- succeed
- success
- such
- such(-)like
- Sudan
- sudden
- suffer
- sufferer
- suffering
- sufficient
- sugar
- sugar-cane
- suggest
- suggestion
- suggestive
- suicide
- suit(ed)
- summer
- summer(-)time
- summon(s)
- sun
- sunbeam
- Sunday
- sundown
- sunk(en)
- sunlight
- sunshine
- sun(-)up
- superior(ity)
- superscription
- superstition
- supper
- supplement
- supply
- suppose
- supposing
- sure(ly)
- surprise(d)
- surrender
- surround
- surrounding(s)
- suspect
- suspenders
- suspicious
- sustain
- swear
- sweat
- sweet(s)
- sweetmeat(s)
- swell
- swim(ming)-suit
- swine
- syllabi(fi)cation
- sympathize
- sympathy
- system
- T
- table
- tactic
- tag
- tag-day
- take
- talent
- talk
- talkie(s)
- tall
- tap
- tape
- tardiness
- tardy
- tariff
- task
- taste
- tasteful
- tasty
- tax
- tea
- teach
- teacher
- teaching
- tea(-)cup
- tea(-)kettle
- team
- tear
- tear(-)drop
- technique
- tedious
- teen
- teen-age(r)
- telegraph
- telegrapher
- telegraphist
- telephone
- television
- tell
- temper(ament)
- temperature
- temple
- temptation
- ten
- tendency
- tender
- tenement
- tenement-house
- term
- terminal
- terrible
- terrify
- territory
- test
- testify
- text
- text(-)book
- than
- thank
- thankful(ness)
- thanking
- thanks
- thanksgiving
- that
- the
- theatre
- their(s)
- them
- theme
- then
- thenceforth
- thenceforward(s)
- theoretic(al)
- theory
- there
- thereafter
- thereat
- thereby
- therefor
- therefore
- therefrom
- therein
- thereinto
- thereof
- thereon
- thereto
- thereupon
- therewith
- these
- they
- thing(s)
- think
- thirst
- thirty
- this
- thither
- those
- though
- thought
- thousand
- thrash
- thread
- threat
- threaten
- thresh
- thrice
- thrifty
- thrill
- throat
- through
- throughout
- throw
- thunder
- Thursday
- thus
- tidings
- tiffin
- tiger
- till
- timber
- time
- tire(d)
- tiresome
- title
- to
- toast
- tobacco
- today
- together
- tomb
- tomorrow
- ton
- tone
- tongs
- tongue
- to(-)night
- too
- top
- torment
- torture
- tough
- tour
- toward(s)
- town
- trade
- trader
- tradesman
- tradespeople
- tradition
- traffic
- tragedy
- tragic(al)
- train
- tram
- tram(-)car
- tram(-)line
- tramway
- trample
- transfer
- transient
- translate(d)
- translation
- translator
- transpire
- transport(ation)
- Transvaal
- travel(led)
- traveller
- treat
- trip
- triplicate
- trolley
- trolley-bus
- trolley-car
- trolley-coach
- troop
- troublesome
- trouser(s)
- trouser(s)-pocket
- truck
- true
- trunk
- trunk-call
- trust
- trustful
- trustworthy
- trusty
- try
- Tuesday
- turf
- turn
- tutor
- TV
- twenty
- twin
- two
- type
- type(-)script
- type(-)setter
- type(-)write
- type(-)writer
- typical
- typographic(al)
- tyrannic(al)
- tyrannize
- tyrant
- Tyrol
- U
- U. K.(或UK)
- Ukraine
- ultimo
- U. N.(或UN)
- unadvisable
- uncle
- unchristian
- uncompleted
- undeceived
- under
- undergarment
- undergraduate
- underline
- underneath
- undersigned
- understand
- understanding
- uneasy
- unemployed
- unequal
- unfortunately
- unfrequent
- unhappily
- uniform
- uninterested
- unit
- united
- university
- unknown
- unless
- unpractical
- unread
- unripe
- unsettled
- untie(d)
- until
- unused
- unwillingness
- unworthy
- up
- upon
- upstair(s)
- up(-)town
- urge
- urgent
- us
- U.S.(或US)
- U.S.A. (或USA)
- usage
- use(d)
- useful
- usual(ly)
- utility
- utmost
- V
- vacation
- vacationist
- vain
- valiant
- valley
- valuable
- value(d)
- vanish(ed)
- various
- Vatican
- V Day(或V-Day,或V day,或V-day)
- V-E(或VE)
- V-E Day(或VE day,或V-E,或VE)
- vegetable
- vent
- venturesome
- venturous
- verbal
- verdict
- vermicelli
- vermin
- verse
- very
- vest
- veteran
- vex
- via
- vice
- victim
- Victorian
- victory
- videlicet
- view
- view(-)point
- vintage
- virtue
- visit(ing)
- visitor
- visualize
- vitamin
- viz(.)
- V-J
- V-J Day(或VJ day,或V-J,或VJ)
- vocabulary
- voice
- volume
- vote
- voyage
- vulgar(ism)
- W
- wage(s)
- wage(-)worker
- waist
- wait
- waltress
- wake
- waken
- walk
- wall
- want(ing)
- war
- warden
- warder
- warn
- warning
- wartime
- was
- wash
- wash-hand-stand
- washing(-)stand
- washlady
- wash(-)stand
- washwoman
- waste
- waste(-paper)-basket
- watch
- water
- waxworks
- way(s)
- W. C.
- we
- weak
- weakness
- wear
- wearied
- weary
- weather
- wed(ded)
- Wednesday
- week
- week(-)end
- welcome(d)
- well
- were
- west
- westerly
- western
- Westminster
- wet
- wharf
- what
- whatever
- what's
- whatsoever
- when
- whenever
- whensoever
- where
- whereabouts
- whereas
- whereat
- whereby
- wherefrom
- wherein
- whereinto
- whereof
- whereon
- wheresoever
- whereto
- whereupon
- wherever
- wherewith
- whether
- which
- whichever
- whichsoever
- while
- white
- Whitehall
- who
- whoever
- whole
- wholesale
- whom
- whom(so)ever
- who's
- whose
- whose-ever
- whosesoever
- whosever
- whosoever
- why
- wide(ly)
- wife
- wild
- will
- willing
- willingness
- win
- window
- winter
- wire
- wireless
- wise
- wish
- wit
- with
- withdraw(al)
- within
- without
- witness
- woman
- womanish
- womankind
- womanly
- woman's
- women
- womenkind
- women's
- wonder
- wonderful
- won't
- woo
- wood(s)
- wood(s)man
- word
- work(s)
- workaday
- workday
- worker
- workhouse
- working
- working-day
- working(-)man
- workless
- workman
- workmen
- world
- worry
- worship
- worth
- worthwhile
- worthy
- would
- wound(ed)
- write
- writer
- writing(s)
- wrong(ly)
- X
- X-ray(或x-ray)
- Y
- Yankee
- Yard
- year
- yellow
- yes
- yesterday
- yet
- you
- young(er)
- your(s)
- yourself
- youth
- Z
- zealous
- zero