- 版权信息
- 译者序
- 城里老鼠下乡记
- 小姑娘与狼
- 两只火鸡
- 老虎的诡计
- 聪明绝顶的苍蝇
- 一头想飞的狮子
- 漂亮的公鹅
- 蛾子与星星
- 伯劳鸟与花栗鼠
- 成名的海豹
- 猎人与大象
- 知道太多的苏格兰犬
- 随性的熊
- 猫头鹰即上帝
- 披着狼皮的羊
- 鹳先生和他的老实太太
- 海中绿岛
- 乌鸦和黄鹂
- 挑战世界的大象
- 不飞的母鸡
- 田野里的玻璃
- 乌龟与兔子
- 花园里的独角兽
- 惹是生非的兔子
- 母鸡的预言
- 海与岸
- 关于蟾蜍的真相
- 蝴蝶、瓢虫和东菲比霸鹟
- 有勇无谋的老鼠和小心谨慎的猫
- 玫瑰与杂草
- 自地狱归来的蝙蝠
- 狮子与狐狸
- 狼之下场
- 蓝鸟兄弟
- 衣蛾与月形天蚕蛾
- 一对情人并着肩
- 狐狸与乌鸦
- 主旋律变奏曲
- 熊与猴
- 父与女
- 救生船上的猫
- 包打听的比利时雌野兔和爱管闲事的雌豚鼠
- 人与恐龙
- 母鸡们的聚会
- 玫瑰、山泉和鸽子
- 风流浪子与聪明太太
- 爱好和平的猫鼬
- 教父与教女
- 灰熊和那些新奇玩意儿
- 镀金的鹅蛋
- 老看门狗的审判
- 哲学家和牡蛎
- 单人早餐
- 老鼠与金钱
- 门外的狼
- 查尔斯怎么了?
- 寒鸦的巢穴
- 即将称王的老虎
- 花栗鼠和他的伴侣
- 蜘蛛与蚕
- 两条狗
- 世上最好的腿
- 翠鸟博士与东菲比霸鹟
- 征服了时间的海龟
- 狮子和蜥蜴
- 母老虎与她的伴侣
- 喜鹊的宝藏
- 蟋蟀和鹪鹩
- 乌鸦与稻草人
- 象牙、猿和人
- 奥利弗和其他鸵鸟
- 海岸和海洋
- The Mouse Who Went to the Country
- The Little Girl and the Wolf
- The Two Turkeys
- The Tiger Who Understood People
- The Fairly Intelligent Fly
- The Lion Who Wanted to Zoom
- The Very Proper Gander
- The Moth and the Star
- The Shrike and the Chipmunks
- The Seal Who Became Famous
- The Hunter and the Elephant
- The Scotty Who Knew Too Much
- The Bear Who Let It Alone
- The Owl Who Was God
- The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
- The Stork Who Married a Dumb Wife
- The Green Isle in the Sea
- The Crow and the Oriole
- The Elephant who Challenged the World
- The Hen Who Wouldn't Fly
- The Glass in the Field
- The Tortoise and the Hare
- The Unicorn in the Garden
- The Rabbits Who Caused All the Trouble
- The Hen and the Heavens
- The Sea and the Shore
- The Truth About Toads
- The Butterfly, the Ladybug, and the Phoebe
- The Foolhardy Mouse and the Cautious Cat
- The Rose and the Weed
- The Bat Who Got the Hell Out
- The Lion and the Foxes
- The Wolf Who Went Places
- The Bluebird and His Brother
- The Clothes Moth and the Luna Moth
- The Lover and His Lass
- The Fox and the Crow
- Variations on the Theme
- The Bears and the Monkeys
- The Father and His Daughter
- The Cat in the Lifeboat
- The Bragdowdy and the Busybody
- The Human Being and the Dinosaur
- The Hen Party
- The Rose, the Fountain, and the Dove
- The Bachelor Penguin and the Virtuous Mate
- The Peacelike Mongoose
- The Godfather and His Godchild
- The Grizzly and the Gadgets
- The Goose That Laid the Gilded Egg
- The Trial of the Old Watchdog
- The Philosopher and the Oyster
- Tea for One
- The Mouse and the Money
- The Wolf at the Door
- What Happened to Charles
- The Daws on the Dial
- The Tiger Who Would Be King
- The Chipmunk and His Mate
- The Weaver and the Worm
- Two Dogs
- The Lady of the Legs
- The Kingfisher and the Phoebe
- The Turtle Who Conquered Time
- The Lion and the Lizard
- The Tigress and Her Mate
- The Magpie's Treasure
- The Cricket and the Wren
- The Crow and the Scarecrow
- Ivory, Apes, and People
- Oliver and the Other Ostriches
- The Shore and the Sea