






  • 版权信息
  • 出版前言
  • 作家与作品
  • Dramatis Personae
  • ACT I
  • Scene I
  • Scene II
  • Scene III
  • Scene IV
  • Scene V
  • ACT II
  • Scene I
  • Scene II
  • Scene I
  • Scene II
  • Scene III
  • Scene IV
  • ACT IV
  • Scene I
  • Scene II
  • Scene III
  • Scene IV
  • Scene V
  • Scene VI
  • Scene VII
  • ACT V
  • Scene I
  • Scene II


  • 用户头像
    Revenge of the Danish prince

    Hamletis one of the most famous masterpiece of Shakespeare's work, and is widely regarded as one of the highest quality of Shakespeare's plays, as well as one of the best lines of Shakespeare's plays.It seeems that,at present,it is still has difficultity for me to understand such a great book.Now I will try to describe my feelings about the book in three main themes:Revenge The whole play is about the prince Hamlet,who is getting revenge on his uncle who killed his father, married his mother, and became the new king. Hamlet was young, passionate, and had a sincere desire for life until the death of his father. The plot exposed him to carry the responsibility of revenge. He pretended to be mad, in fact, he is also really mad, Facing the man who killed his father, revenge was all his choice in mind. This is also the beginning of his tragedy.LoveAt the same time, when the ghost asked his son to avenge him,he told him not to hurt his mother, I believe that in that moment he is still in love with his wife, his queen. In addition,Hamlet is in love with Ophelia, in his own words that I lovd Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum.”But he killed his father and indirectly killed her.For Ophelia, Hamlet's madness disappoints her, her father's death drives her mad, and the people she relies on for her physical and emotional well-being leave her for dead. In my opinion , Shakespeare himself loved the character so much( which reminds me of Jin Yong's love for Xiaozhao ) that he illuistrating her death with flowery flowers, swaying weeping willows, soft songs... in the most romantic of terms ... But all of this can not cover up the shadow of death, but even more cold tears.ReligionThe Ghost describes to Hamlet the grim conditions of Hell, showing the tragic end of a man who does not confess before he dies, so Hamlet is not willing to kill his enemy while he prays. What is more ,Ophelia is suicidal and can hardly be buried in church.Great works nourish the soul,so does the beauty of literature.🌸




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