- 给这本书评了3.0
每日一书:《向上的奇迹》。喜欢自己正在做的事情,接受目前这个还有很多缺点的自己。有时候我们要解决的不是事情,而是情绪。喜欢你所做的事情,喜欢为之努力的自己!唯一能够决定你的人生意义和幸福的人就是你自己。克服惰性并寻找意义和幸福花点时间诚实地面对自己爱默生说:“与我们心灵深处的东西相比,眼前身后之事皆微不足道。” 正向力的内涵在于它是我们在寻求生命意义和幸福的路上的一块里程碑,也是我们在探寻自我内在世界的指明灯。正向力是我们对当下正在做的事情所抱持的一种由内向外散发出来的积极的精神。你得到了哪些信息呢?你该怎么改变自己或他人的行为以清空自己体内的负向力,填满正向力呢?重拾直面生活的勇气从你当下正在做的事开始我们所做的有意义、有影响、积极的事情,得到了全世界的认可。如何在生活中创造出正向力,如何保持正向力,并且在需要的时候重获正向力。你正在全力以赴,而房间里所有的人都能察觉到。这就是正向力的精髓所在。你所做的事既有意义,又能让你乐在其中。第一个要素是你的身份认知 (identity)。你认为你是谁?第二个要素是成就 (achievement)。近来你做了什么?第三个要素是声誉 (reputation)。别人认为你是怎样一个人?第四个要素是接受 (acceptance)。你能改变哪些事情?丹尼斯・穆德谦逊的方式,给见过他的人以持久的、积极的影响。真正的成功人士把他们一生大部分的时间投入那些既能使人生更有意义,又能让他们感到幸福的行动中去。
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论7分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了3.0不要总盯着眼前的不甘心正向思维这一词,贯穿于马歇尔・古德史密斯的这本《向上的奇迹》。正向思维法是人们在解决生活、工作中的问题时,通过利用已有的经验和知识,逐步分析问题、解决问题的一种思维方式。正向思维也是一种积极向上的思考方式,它强调解决问题、发现机会、并从中学习和成长。正向思维鼓励人们把每个挑战都看作是一个机会,以积极的态度面对困难和挫折。至于如何在困境中保持乐观积极的态度,以及如何治愈自己的不良情绪,马歇尔博士也为我们提供了许多宝贵的意见。他认为只要认识并调整 4 个核心因素,就能帮助我们在职场和生活中,重新获得正向力。这 4 个核心因素分别是:第一,破除限制性思维,提升对自己及周围环境的认知;第二,实现短期和长期目标,收获短期的满足感和长期的利益;第三,把 “被迫改变” 转换为 “主动养成习惯”,真正学会内驱型成长;第四,面对人生的不确定性泰然处之,把时间用在能给你带来价值的事情上。
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论6分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了4.0Book Summary By ChatGPTMojo: How to Get It, How to Keep It, How to Get It Back if You Lose It by Marshall Goldsmith is a book that delves into the concept of Mojo and provides insights, strategies, and tools for individuals to understand, acquire, maintain, and regain their Mojo. Here are the key points and takeaways from the book:1. Understanding Mojo: - Mojo is the combination of personal confidence, motivation, and happiness that leads to peak performance and fulfillment in life. - Mojo can be elusive and easily lost, but it is possible to regain it through self-awareness and intentional actions.2. The Building Blocks of Mojo: - Identity: Knowing who you are at your core and aligning your actions with your values and strengths. - Achievement: Setting and accomplishing meaningful goals that bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment. - Reputation: Managing how others perceive you and building a positive reputation based on integrity and authenticity. - Acceptance: Letting go of the things you cannot control and finding peace in accepting yourself and others.3. The Mojo Paradox: - The Mojo Paradox refers to the fact that what led to your past success may not necessarily lead to future success or fulfillment. - Adapting to change and continuously reinventing yourself is crucial to maintaining Mojo in a rapidly evolving world.4. Tools for Enhancing Mojo: - Establish Criteria That Matter to You: Define what truly matters to you in different aspects of life, such as relationships, career, and personal growth. - Discover Where You're "Living": Assess whether your current actions align with your values and make adjustments if necessary. - Be the Optimist in the Room: Cultivate a positive mindset and focus on possibilities and opportunities. - Take Away One Thing: Identify and eliminate activities, habits, or relationships that drain your energy or hinder your progress. - Rebuild One Brick at a Time: Break down big goals into smaller achievable tasks and celebrate incremental progress. - Control Your Reputation: Proactively shape how others perceive you by demonstrating consistency, integrity, and professionalism. - Influence Up and Down: Build positive relationships with both superiors and subordinates, leveraging influence to create a supportive work environment. - Name It, Frame It, Claim It: Take ownership of your achievements and communicate them effectively to others. - Give Lifetime Passes to Friends: Nurture and maintain meaningful connections by forgiving mistakes and offering support unconditionally.5. Going Beyond Self-Help: - Personal transformation requires going beyond self-help books and taking proactive steps to create lasting change. - Embrace continuous learning, seek feedback, and engage in meaningful experiences that challenge and expand your capabilities.6. The Mojo Survey: - The book provides a Mojo Survey for individuals to assess their short-term satisfaction (happiness) and long-term benefit (meaning) across various areas of life. - The survey results can offer valuable insights into areas that require attention and improvement.In summary, Mojo is a state of personal confidence, motivation, and happiness that leads to fulfillment and peak performance. By understanding the building blocks of Mojo, utilizing the provided tools and strategies, and going beyond self-help, individuals can acquire, maintain, and regain their Mojo to live a more meaningful and successful life.