- 给这本书评了5.0The Magic Begins Here..
It was a rainy day in 2008 when I was first introduced to this book and checked it out from the school library. That was the day and its today in 2023 I am as hooked to Harry Potter, maybe more so than before. Though the theme of the book is magic and fantasy yet I never felt like I was reading anything far fetched. Rowling gives a memorable introduction to Harry with the title "The Boy Who Lived". The setting of the scenes and the description of the characters created pictures in my head and all through the book I felt like everything was happening to me firsthand. The book hooked me like it had done the first time I read it years back. I have lost count of number of times I have read this book but still feel a thrill every time I pick it up to read such is the magic of Harry Potter. Kudos to J.K. Rowling for writing such an inventive and imaginative novel and I am just dying to dive into the following series.
转发转发同时评论快速转发219分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0COPYRIGHTBookname: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneAuthor: J.K. RowlingPublisher: Pottermore PublishingPublicationdate: December, 2015ISBN: 9781781100219Word: 374k wordsThis book is authored by CHINA NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS IMPORT & EXPORT (GROUP) CO., LTD. to produce and distribute the electronic version of Dedao AppCopyright Infringement must be investigated
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论16分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了4.0A delightful magical world…As a reader, I would rate Harry Potter book one a 4/5 stars. The book is a delightful introduction to the magical world of Hogwarts and the characters that inhabit it. J.K. Rowling's writing style is engaging and imaginative, making it easy to get lost in the story and feel invested in the characters.The plot is well-constructed, and the pacing is just right, with plenty of action and suspense to keep the reader engaged. The world-building is also impressive, with a rich history and mythology that add depth and complexity to the story.One of the things that sets Harry Potter apart from other books is its ability to appeal to both children and adults. The story is suitable for younger readers, but there are also plenty of themes and ideas that adults can appreciate.As for reread memories, I have fond memories of revisiting the book and discovering new details that I had missed the first time around. The characters and their relationships are so well-developed that it's always a pleasure to revisit them and see how they grow and change over the course of the series.Overall, Harry Potter book one is an excellent start to a beloved series that has captured the hearts and imaginations of readers around the world. While it may not be perfect, it's definitely worth reading and rereading.
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论7分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了4.0哈利・波特全集买来已近三年。这回是应要求全文朗读,以飨小听众的。上次接触,还是大学时玩哈利波特的电脑游戏,但后来并未读过一字半文。所以有些事,早晚都得干,不管最后让你干的理由是个啥。“读” 到一半,已经明白此系列何以风行 20 年。结合电影来看,此系列情节魔幻起伏有趣,有孩子们喜欢的很多元素,比如:魔法,小动物,玩具,好吃的,学校里奇奇怪怪的同学和刁钻老师,不通事理的兄弟姐妹,不温柔的妈妈(姨妈),难取悦的父亲(姨夫),缺爱的童年,以及一些暖心的朋友和特别的生日礼物。虽然哈利波特到 11 岁生日之前,都不知道自己的身世和额头疤痕的秘密,而德思礼一家也对此讳莫如深,但命运,就像是像雪片潮水涌来的信件一样,不可避免地降临在他的身上,无可回避。闪电样的疤痕,从第一本书开始,就注定了哈利波特不凡的学习生涯和后续的人生旅程。后来在魔杖店里的夸张情节,第一次骑上扫帚的娴熟技能就惊呆了老师同学,这些你我谁都不知的自己的 “遗传优势”,总是需要一个契机,需要用心寻找,甚至需要一些刺激才能显现出来。在此之前,《西游记》连续剧刚刚被看完。这时提出念哈利波特的要求,我第一感觉是,这不就是英国版的西游记吗?魔杖和金箍棒,授业老师,各路妖魔鬼怪和搞怪小伙伴,天降大任于斯人也。你是去西方取经拯救苍生,我是守护魔法石以保苍生。一位小英雄,满足了孩子们对未来世界的幻想和探究以及对自己未来的无限期冀。这样的全能幻想,让人燃起希望。德思礼一家三人的蛮横无理、冷漠乖张,让人很容易想到这是在讽刺中产阶级的伪善。其余同学和老师教授们各有特点,精彩渐次展开,断断续续地读,孩子饶有兴趣,虽口干舌燥,我也顺便感受下魔幻之光,体会一下波特是如何保护这块 Philosopher's Stone,并以此拯救世界于水火的。
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论5分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了4.0Let imagination flyThe movie in my memory seems blurred coz it’s been quite a long time. You got the editor’s imagination with movie, but you got your own via reading. It reminds me of some pictures in the movie. But the more is what my imagination flies. Feels good.
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论4分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0Hogwarts of WizardryI never really read or care about the Harry Potter series before, thought they are just naive pupil comics. However not until now finishing reading all original version by genius Auntie JK, I realize how much wrong and ridiculous i was. They are indeed masterpieces and phenomenal works that attracts so many world fans. Not only the stories themselves, but also their beauty of English language, life philosophy and things beyond...
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论1分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0我最爱的哈利波特!《Harry Potter》系列电影起码看了五遍吧,中文书看了不下两遍,现在看英文书,这也是第二遍了。这就是真正的 “百看不厌吧!” 魔法🪄、尖顶帽子🧙、斗篷、会飞的扫把🧹、羽毛笔🪶… 这些都是一个心怀童真的人永远期盼的梦吧?!最喜欢的还是第一部,黑暗的比较少,纯真的比较多。海格带着哈利去对角巷购物、哈利第一看见霍格沃兹的心情、三小只从互相嫌弃到相亲相爱,特别是他们救了赫敏,从此形影不离…… 每一帧画面我都记得。这是童年的梦吧,属于我们少年的那个年代的梦。
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