- 给这本书评了4.0对CFO和CEO的新认知
CFO 已经逐渐成为业务规划的战略家,但现在他们的监管角色变得空前重要。在面向数字化的新商业时代,CFO 这一身份正处于一个关键转折点,CFO 处理的不仅仅是财务,还需要帮助公司应对紧迫需求,支持人才发展,确保业务弹性,寻找符合未来发展方向的商业模式。CEO 身兼数职,除了是沟通者、教练、问题解决者之外,还有一项工作只有 CEO 才能完成:连接外部(社会、经济、技术、客户)与内部(组织)。工作分为四个任务:1、定义有意义的外部。确定哪些外部领域最重要。2、确定公司要从事什么业务。举例来说,公司核心业务是什么,其中哪项业务可以实现增长?3、平衡当下与未来。确保利益相关者的短期利益不至于阻碍公司长远未来的发展。4、塑造价值观和标准。
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论1分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了4.0All too often fitness centers, medical providers, colleges, and organizations in many other industries seek to distinguish themselves only on the quality, convenience, and experience of what they sell, say the authors. It’s not that those things aren’t important. But they matter only as means to the ends that people seek. Too many organizations lose sight of this truth. Even when they do promote what they sell in relation to consumers’ aspirations, they rarely design solutions that allow people to realize them. Instead, individuals must cobble together what they think they need to achieve their goals—for example, a trainer, a particular diet, and a support network to lose weight. Enterprises should recognize the economic opportunity offered by a transformation business, in which consumers come to them with a desire to improve some fundamental aspect of their lives.