- 给这本书评了2.0“服务”和“产品”要能区分
《How to design a service》原文,一开始就在澄清 “服务” 和 “产品”。定义必须要明确。The difference between products and services is more than semantic. Products are tangible objects that exist in both time and space; services consist solely of acts or process (es), and exist in time only. The basic distinction between "things" and "processes" is the starting point for a focused investigation of services. Services are rendered; products are possessed. Services cannot be possessed; they can only be experienced, created or participated in. Though they are different, services and products are intimately and symbiotically linked. A box of cereal, for example, may appear to be a simple product. But it is the culmination of a very long series of marketed services and products, beginning with the service of farming. Or, services and products can act simultaneously to form a larger entity. A department store is a place in which the service of retailing is rendered. Yet retailing is not a complete entity without inclusion of products. A department store's image and clientele are a function of both retailing and merchandise, and these cannot be separated without sacrificing the unique definition of a department store.