May you be like a child in the sun and an adult in the wind and rain.May there be someone to accompany you wandering, if not, may you be your own sun.It may be the first English book I have read, but it will not be the last one.
转发转发同时评论快速转发495分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0谁心中不曾柔软作为每天朗读训练的文本,反复诵读了 4 遍。以下摘自陈章鱼的每周新书盘点:永恒少年,是心理学家荣格提出来的一个术语,指的是这样的一群人,明明早已过了少年的年龄,却还是一副少年人的样子。他们拒绝走入社会,让自己的个体成长滞留在少年阶段。生活中你遇到这样一个人,这个人创意十足,充满艺术才华,还是个理想主义者,往往非常真诚,在社会这个大染缸中,他还能保留出淤泥而不染的少年气,是不是还挺讨人喜欢的?永恒少年虽然可爱,问题也真的很严重。因为,如果你拒绝成长,成长就会杀死你。一个永恒少年,会面对很多危机,其中一个,就是亲密关系。小王子是一个特别美好纯真的形象,也是一个典型的永恒少年。小王子生活在自己的小行星上,生活原本是很无聊的,但自从有一天他发现了一朵玫瑰,生活就不一样了。这朵玫瑰在小王子眼里「美得动人心弦」,为此,他用尽全力去照料她。但玫瑰似乎总是无法满足。她自恋,傲娇,虚荣,情绪化。有一天,小王子终于受不了玫瑰,离开了小行星,来到了地球。其实,玫瑰和小王子是深深爱着对方的。他们只是太幼稚,不知道如何去爱,他们的关系是痛苦的互相折磨。大部分人的初恋都是这样的,这也是为什么我们通常无法与初恋修成正果。如果你尚未完成个体化的成熟,是无法拥有一段完整的亲密关系的。小王子自己也是这么说的:「可惜我当时太年轻,不懂得要如何爱她……」他是怎么明白这一点的呢?是小王子在地球上遇到了一只狐狸。狐狸告诉了小王子关于「驯服」的道理。怎么驯服呢?狐狸说,就是要非常有耐心,在对方身上投注时间。驯服也就是产生联结。在两个个体产生联结前,他们只是统计学中的一个数字。而当他们对彼此投注了时间,产生了联结,他们对彼此就是独一无二的了。就这样,小王子和狐狸驯服了彼此,成了亲密的好朋友。可是,小王子却说,他没有很多时间,因为他已经驯服了玫瑰,而狐狸教给他「要对你驯服的事物负责任」,于是,他决定离开地球,去找他的玫瑰花了,他要对他的玫瑰负责任。小王子忽略了一个重要事实:他已经和狐狸相互驯服了啊。而小王子却中断了这段关系,转而去修复自己上一段不成熟的关系去了。这就是永恒少年在亲密关系中遇到的问题。
1转发同时评论快速转发224分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0一生的小王子几年前第一次读《小王子》,没读懂,单纯的当作童话看了一遍。后来第二次读《小王子》,懂了一些,但大部分仍然不懂。现在,第三次读英文版的《小王子》,才发现这是一本人生之书。《小王子》不仅是写给大人的童话,更是写给大人的人生哲学书。在 “我” 还是小孩的时候,大人告诉 “我” 应该专心学习,而不是画画。大人总是会用自己不容置疑的权威告诉孩子应该做什么,其实我觉得,没有什么是应该的。大人之所以是大人,是因为大人现实而丑陋,大人忘记了曾经的自己也是个童真而美好的孩子。大人只能用眼睛来看世界,所以看到的是丑陋。孩子是用心来看世界,所以看到了美好。如果有一天,大人可以找回孩子时的自己,世界就会是美好的。
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论5分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0爱与责任关于《小王子》的赞誉已见的太多,书很早就买了,当时就读了一遍,后来又看了电影版,上个月开始读英文版之前又把中文版读了一遍,就像前几天和同学讨论的那样,不知什么原因,我们就是无感,有的小朋友或大人会读到流泪,而我们不知什么原因就是没有感觉,于是就看了解读视频,才发现每一章都在说一个问题,小王子每路过一个星球遇到的人都是一种成人世界的类型,遇到小狐狸那章讲透了驯养的含义,爱与责任。再读英文版接下来的每章就感觉到了内涵和美,小王子和小狐狸对话那段,真的能感受到了。建立驯养关系的本质在于付出了真心和情感,在享受 “驯养” 关系带来美妙感觉的同时,产生了一种牵系彼此心灵的责任感。这是一种以幸福和爱为前提的、人与人之间彼此需要的、独一无二的情感维系。对于小王子来说,玫瑰花之所以重要,是因为他为她付出了时间和心血,并倾注了最真挚的感情,使她在自己心里生根发芽。狐狸使小王子懂得了交往的真谛:爱一个人,就要对他负有责任。这是 “驯养” 关系的切实保障,也是人与人交往的本质所在。
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论4分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了4.0记得第一次读中文版小王子,应该是八九年前。那会根本没懂这本书在讲什么,也不明白为什么它会被强烈推荐。如今读完了英文版,说实话,更没能领悟书中的深意,因为光是读懂就已经让我耗费太多精力了。但从某种意义上来说,这似懂非懂的感觉对我很重要,毕竟是我读完的第一本英文书,让这种懵懂的感觉成为先例更重要。不过,在读的过程中,我还是有意无意的循着过往的记忆,想弄明白这本书到底在讲什么。大概是这么两个词让我记忆深刻:驯化和无价。只有投入时间和精力,才会和别人产生独一无二的联系,这就叫驯化。不要总盯着那些有形的物质,真正无价的东西大多都是无形的。就像书中的那个 “我” 最后和小王子告别的那段对话,其中包含着浓浓的情谊。读到那段的时候,我突然想起追风筝的人中的哈桑,他那句让人无论如何也难以忘怀的话:为你,千千万万遍。
转发转发同时评论快速转发13分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0那些重要的都是眼睛看不见的❣️"What is essential is invisible to the eye,""It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."I've been in the situation of confusing the time that I've spent as the time I've wasted or not? But when I read the phrases above, I felt deeply moved, and stirred. YES! What a moment of truth! I remembered one of the Youtubers saying that no matter what you're trying to achieve in your life, that is fine because, at the end of life, the only thing we could bring with us to the afterlife will be our memories. So you properly would achieving something, regreting something and let go of something, that is your treasure and no one else could ever take them away from you.I am impressed by what the little prince said, "What is essential is invisible to the eye". What are these things? I think no matter whether they are positive or negative or neutral, as long as you value them in your memories, they are the things that matter to you and develop your physical and mental measles to the person you are.Let's applying it to your daily life, if you value your family, please do not hesitate to contact your granny, grandpa and your parents. As the annoying Covid-19 global pandemic has become our history, thank god, we ought to be able to re-travel again and make some reunions among your families and friends, and I'm sure that they would have been missing you just like you have.Let's applying it to your working life, if you value your career, please consider the present job and make sure you're enjoying what you have been doing or otherwise plan ahead for some savings so that you can continue your career dreams."What is rite?"asked the little prince."Those also are actions too often neglected,"said the fox."They are what make one day different from other days, one hour from other hours. There is a rite, for example, among my hunters. Every Thursday they dance with village girls. So Thursday is a wonderful day for me! But if the hunters danced at just any time, and I should never have any vacation at all."So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of his departure drew near-"Ah," said the fox,"I shall cry.""It is your own fault,"said the little prince."I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you...""Yes, this is so,"said the fox."But now you are going to cry!"said the little prince."Yes, that is so,"said the fox.
"Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world.""I am responsible for my rose," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.When I read through these detailed and beautiful words, I tried to hold my breaths and so it won't go wrong for me to tear. The little prince had looked after his unique rose, and yes they argued and unhappy to each other sometimes also, but they were belonged to each other. Therefore, at the end of the story, the little prince may had realised that his rose as a flower, would have experienced fading in the dust just like thousands of other flowers. He had taught the author to remember that the stars on the sky would be unique for the author because at the last moment of the prince's life, he had tamed the author, so that those thousands of stars in the sky would be like bells playing beautiful music of legacy of the little prince.The fox had shown that once he had been tamed by the little prince, even though he had to tolerate some unexpected challenges, "Yes, this is so," said the fox. However, he had never regretted that this unique experience with the little prince. In life, we have to adopt situations in order to show our loyalty and honesty to the person(s) who tamed us. There's no both ways unfortunately, so if you do feel painful, you may start to learn how to peace your mind and accept these conflicting circumstances.转发转发同时评论快速转发评论3分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了4.0读《小王子》有感。“每一个大人都曾经是一个孩子,只是很多人慢慢忘记了 “。忘记了什么呢?忘记了花儿会笑,忘记了小鸟会唱歌,忘记了如何同毛毛虫对话,也忘记了月亮上的小兔子和海里的老龙王。遗忘是一件多么残忍的事情。忘记的越多,世界就越小,全忘记了,就只剩下自己一个人,最后连自己也忘记了,就变成了大人。变成了一个无趣的、只喜欢数字的、看不懂那副蟒蛇吞下大象的画的大人。虽然孩子终究会长成大人,但是愿所有的孩子都能怀揣记忆宝石,一路向前。也愿所有的大人,都能在夜空中找到一颗会笑的星星,对它说:我记得你,且从未忘记。
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论1分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0If you want a friend,tame me..What does that mean — ‘tame’? It means to establish ties.But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world...But if you tame me, it will be as if the sun came to shine on my life. I shall know the sound of a step that will be different from all the others. Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow. But you have hair that is the color of gold.Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat...One only understands the things that one tames, If you want a friend,tame me...“You must be very patient,”“If, for example, you come at four o’clock in the afternoon, then at three o’clock I shall begin to be happy. I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances. At four o’clock, I shall already be worrying and jumping about. I shall show you how happy I am! But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour my heart is to be ready to greet you...
转发转发同时评论快速转发评论1分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0she is my flower“If allowed just one possession,I would pick her from the garden to be mine”. -Wild flower .Aaron Neville “But she is my rose.”-The Little Prince 1、“what is essential is invisible to the eye”What impressed me so deeply in the story is the fox ,he said that “what is essential is invisible to the eye” .Words are not enough to express the real precious things in the world,for example: love .2、maintain a childlike heartThere is plenty of comparison between grown-ups and children.After departing from his own planet, the little prince has visited 7 places,and the last one was the earth ,where he met the author. Wherever he arrived,whoever he met ,such as the king、the conceited man、the tippler and so on, he made an conclusion that “grown-ups are certainly very odd.I have been an grown up now.I love the children ,and people who maintain a childlike heart.3、she is my flower There is no doubt the the little prince is loyal to his flower. During the journey,he was missing her day and night.Although she has so many disadvantages. “But she is my flower .“he said.They are unique to each other and they are responsible for each other .The story told me that “Please, be patient to whom you are fall in love with”.Lastly, the singer Aaron Neville had a song named “Wild Flower”,I love it so much that I am pleased to share it here:She's faced the hardest times you could imagineAnd many times her eyes fought back the tearsAnd when her youthful world was about to fall inEach time her slender shoulderBore the weight of all her fearsAnd a sorrow no one hears,still rings in midnight silence in her earLet her cry for she is a ladyLet her dream for she is a childLet the rain fall down upon herShe's a free and gentle flower growing wild....
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