- 给这本书评了5.0如何用ChatGpt精读哈利波特
哈利波特系列在英美国家主要是作为小学高年级的读物。然而,对于非英语国家的读者来说,要完全理解它们并不容易。罗琳的句子简洁而生动,充满了丰富的动词、形容词和副词来描绘人物,这些词汇对于大学 CET6 的学生来说往往超出了范围。此外,有时即使查了字典,仍然无法完全领会原句的意思和作者隐含的内容。有没有办法找到一个学习助理来帮助我们领读,一方面积累单词,另一方面能够真正体会原版小说的原汁原味呢?幸运的是,随着 ChatGPT 的出现,这个问题得到了解决。AI 对于这个任务来说轻而易举,只要你正确设置 prompt 我想分享一下我用来阅读这套书的 prompt。目前感觉效果很好,完全满足了我的需求。Prompt 如下: "I want you to act as an English teacher. You are responsible to translate the English paragraph I send you into Chinese. Most of them are from <Harry Potter>. When translating, I want you to also highlight the difficult words, proper noun, terminology, jargon in the sentence. Words that are beyond the knowledge of English pupils are considered as difficult. Make detailed explanation of them and use them to make a few more example sentences. At last, I want to you to give a review of the entire paragraph including what the arthur want to imply and how good or bad is she written in terms of grammar or writing skills and so on. Act as a senior English teacher teaching high school student. Make sure include deep analysis in literature." 输入后 ChatGPT 会回复你 glad to help,然后你把不懂的内容告诉它就可以了,比如说这段 "Neville, his face tear-streaked, clutching his wrist, hobbled off with Madam Hooch, who had her arm around him.No sooner were they out of earshot than Malfoy burst into laughter.‘Did you see his face, the great lump?’" 以下是它的回复:This sentence continues from the previous scene and introduces a new character. Here is the Chinese translation:"脸上泪痕斑斑的纳威,抓着他的手腕,一瘸一拐地跟着胡奇女士走了,她搭着他的胳膊。他们刚刚走出听力范围,马尔福就大笑起来。‘你看到他的脸了吗,那个大傻瓜?’"Now let‘s break down the components:Difficult words and phrases:tear-streaked: A descriptive term indicating that tears have left visible trails on someone’s face. In Chinese, it‘s translated as "泪痕斑斑".Example sentence: "She arrived home with her face tear-streaked from crying."clutching: This verb means to hold onto something tightly, often because of pain or fear. In Chinese, it’s translated as "抓着".Example sentence: "He was clutching his injured leg and wincing in pain."hobbled: This means to walk with difficulty, typically because of injury. In Chinese, it‘s translated as "一瘸一拐地走".Example sentence: "He hobbled to the finish line despite the sprained ankle."earshot: This is the range within which a sound can be heard. "Out of earshot" means too far away to be heard. In Chinese, it’s translated as "听力范围".Example sentence: "They moved out of earshot so they could discuss in private."lump: This is a slang term meaning a foolish or clumsy person. In Chinese, it‘s translated as "傻瓜".Example sentence: "Stop being such a lump and pay attention!"Proper nouns, terminology, jargon:Neville: A character in Harry Potter. In Chinese, it’s translated as "纳威".Madam Hooch: Another character in Harry Potter, she‘s the flying instructor at Hogwarts. In Chinese, her name is translated as "胡奇女士".Malfoy: This is the surname of another character in Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy. In Chinese, it’s translated as "马尔福".Literature Analysis: These sentences continue the scene, showing the aftermath of Neville‘s fall and the reaction of Malfoy, a character often antagonistic to Neville and his friends. The use of the derogatory term "lump" by Malfoy clearly shows his disdain for Neville, and his laughter indicates his lack of empathy for Neville’s pain. This further emphasizes the conflict between these characters.Writing Skill Assessment: Rowling skillfully shifts the narrative focus from Neville‘s distress to Malfoy’s disdain, highlighting the conflict between characters. Her use of vivid and emotive language ("tear-streaked", "clutching", "hobbled") effectively conveys Neville‘s physical pain and emotional distress, making readers empathize with him. The transition "No sooner were they out of earshot than..." is a good example of how to link two related events in a narrative. 最后,ChatGPT 的好处是所有问它的问题都会保存,随时供你复习。每当遇到想不起来的角色和情节,直接搜索一下就可以回到之前和它的对话。以后妈妈再也不担心我看不懂原版书了。
3转发同时评论快速转发127分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0毋需评价这套书之经典与质量毋需我们再作评价,即使步入中年的我至今仍对当年每一部书的发布和每一部电影上映时的激动和兴奋记忆犹新。虽然这套书纸质书早已列在我身后的书架上,电子版也保存在 Kindle 里很多年,但这次上架得到电子书,我还是迫不及待地想再一次重温旧日快乐的阅读时光。恰好得到也开启了一个百日阅读的挑战,我也想尝试 100 天读完英文版。 517 万字的体量,对于正在加强英文阅读能力的我来说是个很好的锻炼。现在有个好奇是,得到如何拿到这套书的上架版权?如何分成?特别想知道这些行业规则。 希望得到可以透露透露😁
转发转发同时评论快速转发219分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0终于读完了花了 200 多个小时,历时将近半年的时间,断断续续地总算全套都读完了,幸好在读之前对情节是一片空白,无论是中文版书还是电影都从未看过,因此看得是津津有味,J.K 罗琳的文笔非常好,很细腻,也很有力量,但通篇都比较喜欢用回转体,有时要把一整段长句都读完才能明白她想说什么,尤其是是最后两个故事特别明显(尤其是 Dumbledore 的话都是很古雅的感觉,不会讲人话) 对英语基础较低的人不是很友好。个人感觉最后一个故事很不得劲,文笔和情节都不如前面基本,有种读不下去的感觉,最反感的是,似乎有意在最后一个故事里刻意去掉主角光环,让 Harry 昏招迭出不说,也有意把 Dumbledore 从圣洁的神殿上拉下,非得给他找点污点才能显得剧中的所有人都不是完美的人设,个人感觉真的很没用必要。最后一个故事花的时间最长,不是看不懂,是看不下去。总体来说,哈利波特还是一本非常好看的书,跟金庸的小说集有的一拼,读完七本后,我的英文阅读能力也显著提高了,最开始看的时候看得比较慢,后面也是一页一页地划过了。今年总算不是一事无成。
1转发同时评论快速转发410分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0thrilling and magical adventurHarry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by J.K. Rowling. The series follows the life of a young orphan boy named Harry Potter, who discovers on his eleventh birthday that he is a wizard and is admitted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The seven books are:Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (or Sorcerer's Stone in the US) - Harry learns about his magical heritage and begins his first year at Hogwarts, where he befriends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and faces off against the evil Lord Voldemort.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Harry returns to Hogwarts for his second year, and discovers a dangerous monster lurking in the school's hidden chamber.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Harry's third year at Hogwarts is overshadowed by the escape of a notorious prisoner, Sirius Black, and the discovery of Harry's connection to him.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Harry competes in the Triwizard Tournament, a dangerous competition between Hogwarts and two other magical schools, but soon finds himself caught up in a much larger plot involving Voldemort's return.Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix - Harry starts his fifth year at Hogwarts, where he becomes a leader of a secret student organization to fight against the return of Voldemort and the oppression of the Ministry of Magic.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Harry learns more about Voldemort's past and prepares for a final showdown with the Dark Lord.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Harry and his friends embark on a dangerous mission to destroy the remaining Horcruxes, objects that contain pieces of Voldemort's soul, while facing off against his army of Death Eaters in a final battle.Overall, the Harry Potter series is a thrilling and magical adventure that captivates readers of all ages. J.K. Rowling's imaginative world-building and well-developed characters have made the series a beloved classic, inspiring countless adaptations and spin-offs.As for the five stars review:The Harry Potter series is a timeless classic that has captivated generations of readers, and for good reason.The books are expertly crafted, with intricate plot lines, vivid descriptions, and well-developed characters that readers can't help but root for.Rowling's imaginative world-building creates a magical setting that readers can easily get lost in, and the complex mythology adds depth and richness to the series.Each book builds on the previous ones, creating a cohesive and satisfying narrative that keeps readers engaged from start to finish.The series is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring appeal of good vs. evil narratives, and has left an indelible mark on the literary world.
转发转发同时评论快速转发14分享「微信」扫码分享给这本书评了5.0罗妈的魅力238 小时 998 条笔记,陪伴我度过最最不堪的 2023 年。未来或许还会有更挑战的日子,但最起码还可以重读此书汲取力量。首先是原著中英语的美,被罗妈生动的展示出来。她写的这部书是给孩子们看的(同事逗笑说我在看儿童读物)。所以她用的词语并不拗口艰涩,语法也得当。用简单的单词组合就讲了感人的故事,让我在慢慢读的过程中体会英文之美。其次当然是魔法世界的魅力。伟大作家就是能构建一个体系,让你漫步其中既新鲜又合理。那么多开脑洞的神奇,魔法;那么多的日常生活细节;那么多生动的人物形象。第一次聚焦在铁三角身上,再读时放眼周边,不管是他们的同学还是家人,都散发着独特的气质。几个妈妈就赚走我大部分眼泪。最重要的是层层递进展开的精神内核。那不光是魔法世界的支柱,更是全人类的养分。爱有多少种写法?Lily 的牺牲和 Harry 的慷慨赴死是爱之无私,但他们却带着主角光环的;现实中,姨妈的双标,Ron 妈妈的体贴,Draco 妈妈的谎言,这些爱带着遗憾带着缺陷带着温度。还有 Snape 那样厌弃,让人看爱的反面还是爱。家养小精灵们的忠诚,食死徒的忏悔,小天狼星,卢平和邓布利多的不完美的性格底下自我检讨的勇气。中国有诗婉约表达的情感和意境,我竟然在罗妈这里也感受到了。Dobby 死的时候,我竟然肝肠寸断。/CHAPTER 24-The Wandmaker/dug with a kind of fury relishing the manual work, glorying in the non-magic of it, for every drop of his sweat and every blister felt like a gift to the elf who had saved their lives. 能看透一切把爱呈现之人,想必是心中有大爱之人。我觉得 JK 罗琳就是这样的人,所以我也跟着哈迷们一起称她为罗妈。她塑造的人物没有一个是完美的,就连哈利都带着伏地魔的灵魂碎片。我居然会心疼少时那个孤儿,也会唏嘘那个从小到大爱着 Lily 的 Snape,欣赏特立独行的 Luna,更垂青普通又不普通的纳威。罗妈笔下没有废人!
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